Step Thirteen: Enhance Your Cleavage With Makeup

Welcome to step thirteen of your Pink Femme 40 step program. How has it been, sleeping in your feminine feeling room this past week?

Completing step 13 will be a significant milestone of your journey and something that you should contemplate as you move forward. Completing step 13 will represent the end of the first trimester of your 40 step process. If you live in a country or a state where pregnancy terminations are legal, they are only permitted during the first trimester. Anything beyond that requires a court order.

Remember that the 40 step process has been designed to mimic a pregnancy that will give birth to the new you. With that in mind, I want you to take a little time to reflect on how important the choice is to do step 13 thereby complete your first trimester. Choosing to do this is choosing to commit to the rest of the program.

That is also why this task has been chosen as your step 13. On a practical level, it is a very easy task to complete. But on a symbolic level, it involves a decision. The decision is whether or not to commit to the rest of the program.

Your task for step 13 will be to create your cleavage using makeup. To make it even easier for you, here is the article that explains to you how to do just that in a step by step way.

You will be able to mark step 13 as complete when you have created your cleavage with makeup for the third time.

The first time you try it may be quite difficult, but it will get easier each time.

Remember to comment below and tell us how it feels to look in the mirror and see your body with a wonderful cleavage. I am sure that many of you girls have been dreaming of being able to do just that. If it makes you feel a little emotional that is totally fine. Recognizing your feelings is the most important part.

Once you have finished this step, click here to move on to the next step. You can also click here to go to the 40 Steps to Femme course list.


I stay in shape by trail running. When I am not writing posts to help you be as feminine as you can be, I work as a therapist.

2 thoughts on “Step Thirteen: Enhance Your Cleavage With Makeup

  1. I do the best I can with this one because I don’t have much to work with so I have to use breast forms as well until I start hormone therapy, god I can’t wait for that day to get here

  2. Wearing a bra for the first time has made it an interesting week, one of my partners old bras which is good enough to practice in. After stuffing it with my old but clean socks and ensuring that the cups are smooth I practice contouring, not very well at first but practice has improved my results over the week. Now looking forward to buying my own bra and fillers for next week.

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