Welcome to step 28 of this incredibly brave journey you started so many weeks ago. Back in step 27, we looked at ways to help you get physically girly-fit. Now we will start layering improved emotional fitness on top of that.
Over these past weeks, you will have started to see a shift in your daily habits as well as how you see the world around you. This is completely normal as you become more in touch with your inner girl.
In this step, I’ll equip you with the tools that you need to help you come to terms with these new/different emotions that well up from deep within you.
To help keep this step as fun as possible I have included two additional parts to the step that help you be wonderfully girly while writing in your feelings journal.
Emotional Perception And Expression Matters
You are likely fully aware of the commonly held belief that women have higher emotional perceptions and are more emotionally expressive.
While this is true, you will be glad to know that it has nothing to do with biology. While growing up girls learn the skill of being emotionally perceptive as well as how to express their emotions clearly.
If girls learn this from their mothers and friends, it means that you are totally capable of learning those same skills here on Pink Femme.
The more you improve your emotional perception and the ability to express those feelings the more you will connect with the feminine energy that lives within you. Learning to express yourself from the perspective of your feelings will add another delicate feminine dimension to who you are and make it a little easier to live your life in a girly way.

Even though learning to recognize and express your emotions is the vital part of step 28, I am including two other parts to your tasks that will help make the process much more enjoyable.
Essential Reading For Step 28
There are two distinct aspects of Step 28 which means that you have more articles to read as part of your essential reading. Let’s look at those aspects separately and cover what you need to know before you start shopping for perfume and then look closely into journal writing.
These articles are your essential reading for the perfume shopping part of your task:
These articles are the essential reading for the journal writing part of your task:
- How To Have Beautiful, Feminine Handwriting?
- Get In Touch With Your Emotions Using A Feelings Journal.
- What Should Be Included In Your Feelings Journal?
There are five articles for you to read to be able to complete step 28. It is essential that you finish reading all five articles before moving on to the practical aspect of step 28. The reason for me saying so is that you can have a clear understanding of what will be expected of you.
This is especially true for the fifth article as it contains some journaling prompts that will help you get started. I anticipate that you will likely need to refer back to that article daily for a new journaling prompt when you sit down with your feelings journal.
Your Task For Step 28
The first part of your task once you have completed your essential reading will be some shopping.
The first part of your shopping will be to get yourself a journal to write your feelings in. You want your journal to be as girly as possible, but still within the bounds of what you can take out every day and use. As an example, look at this simple pink notebook available on Amazon as well as this “Stay True To You” journal also on Amazon. There is also this cute Pink Femme notebook on Amazon. I’ll be adding more notebooks soon.
While you are shopping for your special feelings journal, treat yourself to a cute girly pen. Here are some really cute “Rose Gold” pens that I found on Amazon. This is the liquid gel ink version, and this is the ballpoint option. Both are adorable.
While you are waiting for your feelings journal to arrive you can start with the perfume part of your task. Ideally, for this part of your task, you should start testing some perfume samples at a store on a daily basis. The goal is to find at least one fragrance that works well on your skin.
There is a chance that a sales assistant will ask if you need any help. This will be a test of your bravery whether you answer the assistant that you are trying to find your very own perfume.
Once you have found your fragrance if you are too afraid to buy your own perfume out in public – and use it right there… You can always make your purchase on amazon later.
Also, if you do not have access to perfume testing and want to complete the task, here are a couple of perfume options I have curated from Amazon:
- Karen Low Pure Crystal Eau de Parfum Spray for Women
- Gossip Eau De Parfum Spray for Women, 3.4 Ounce 100 Ml – Impression of Victoria’s Secret Scandalous
- Antonio Banderas Perfumes – Queen of Seduction, Lively Muse
- Jean Marc Paris Femme Noir Eau de Parfum
Once your feelings journal has arrived, your task will be to write in your feelings journal for at least half an hour each day. Remember to practice your new girly/feminine handwriting while using your feelings journal.
When you have found your perfume fragrance and have your very own perfume your task will be to wear it daily. At the very least you should have some perfume on the inside of your wrists when you sit down to write in your feelings journal. Wearing perfume will help you feel feminine and be more in touch with your inner emotions.
I know that some of you may be worried that wearing perfume might be more noticeable to the outside world than anything you have done so far. That is entirely true. We are at step 28. At some stage, your changes would start to become noticeable. Just know that most of those around you won’t notice as perfume does not make any visible changes. The big change will be in your feelings – ideal for your feelings journal.
Additional Reading
Starting with step 28 your additional reading will have an additional task attached to it, so it is time to be fully engaged in the article you are reading.
Just like while you were completing step 27, you will be required to read at least one additional Pink Femme post each day. That way you can continually grow your feminine knowledge.
Here are the article categories again:
While doing your additional reading each day, make a note of which articles you found the most useful and why.
Minimum Requirement For Completion
Your minimum requirements for completing step 28 will be to wear perfume every day and to write in your feelings journal every day for at least 14 consecutive days.
If you have your feelings journal before you have your perfume, you are to start using your journal daily but can’t mark that part of the task as complete until after you have received your perfume and used your perfume for 14 consecutive days even though that means writing in your feelings journal for more than 14 days.
The reverse of this holds true if you have your perfume before you receive your journal.
Over and above your minimum requirements for wearing perfume and writing in your feelings journal you have additional tasks relating to the additional reading that you have been doing.
Twice during each week, ideally on a Thursday and a Sunday, you are to select your favorite article from your additional reading and share it on three social platforms – explaining what it is about the article that you like. One of those platforms can be your girly Pinterest account, using the header picture from the article as your pin.
If you are too shy to share one article on three different social platforms then share three articles on one social platform (like Pinterest).
Once you get to the end of 14 consecutive days of wearing your girly perfume and writing in your feelings journal every single day, as well as sharing your favorite articles on social platforms twice a week, you will be allowed to mark this step as complete.
Consequences Of Not Meeting The Minimum Requirements
Step 28 is vitally important for your feminine future development. It is essential that you complete this step as it will bring you closer to understanding the inner feminine energy that has been within you since before you even contemplated starting the 40 steps.
Skipping just one day of writing in your feelings journal will mean restarting step 28. The second time you skip on perfume or your feelings journal will mean repeating step 27 as well.
If you skip on the social sharing of your favorite Pink Femme articles, you will be required to share an extra 2 articles for each one you skipped. If you slip up a second time the “punishment” will be to share a single Pink Femme article on a social platform that is not related to your girly persona.
Be sure to come back and comment on how completing these tasks felt. How did you feel when you were wearing your perfume every day? Did anyone notice that you were smelling more feminine and how did that make you feel? Speaking of feelings, how did you progress over the 14 days of writing in your feelings journal each day?
Once you have finished this step, click here to move on to the next step. You can also click here to go to the 40 Steps to Femme course list.
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