During the first two steps, the focus was on making a small and hidden change to your clothing choices. After two weeks in panties, it should feel completely natural for you to be wearing panties every day. No need to stop now sweetie.
When you feel the need to expand your collection of panties, and you will be sure to click through the recommended panties pages and go shopping. As your collection of panties grows, be sure to keep removing male underwear to make space for your new panties. If you still have any ugly male underwear left, throw away one pair for every two pairs of panties that you buy.
Why is sitting to pee important for MtF transition? As early as possible in the MtF transition process, you need to incorporate everyday actions that will help the shift in mindset. Sitting to pee is a strong physical anchor that will help create a feminine psychological self-image.
Now for your third step, it is time to challenge your mental attitude for the first time. It is actually a behavior change that will help you from getting outed in public for wearing panties.
When you use a public bathroom, there is no way that you can possibly use the urinal while you are wearing your panties or else everyone will see your panties. The logical thing will be for you to use a cubical when you need to pee. I am sure that you are already doing that.

However, just using a cubical is simply not enough darling. From now on you will be sitting to pee every time you go to the bathroom. There will be no more of that dreadful habit of standing while you pee for all the world to see.
You will pull down your trousers. Once you progress to where you will pull down your tights/pantyhose. Then you will pull down your panties, sit, and pee like a lady.
Don’t forget to wipe yourself dry when you are finished, every time. Wet spots make stains in your beautiful panties and you don’t want that.

Finally, before you leave the bathroom you will always check yourself in the mirror. Make sure that you look presentable and have no panty line or panties showing.
You will do this every time you go to the bathroom for five consecutive days, making sure that it becomes part of your normal bathroom routine for the future.

Additional Reading
I am sure that you already know that there is more to being girly than can be crammed into just 40 steps. This is especially so when we start adding beauty products, makeup, and fashion choices into the collection.
That is why it is vital for your growing girly education that you will be required to read at least one additional Pink Femme post each day.
Here are the article categories again:
While doing your additional reading each day, make a note of which articles you found the most useful and why.
Be sure to come back and comment below on how you managed with the third step of your 40 Steps to Femme program.
Once you have finished this step, click here to move on to the next step. You can also click here to go to the 40 Steps to Femme course list.
I’m now full time wearing my panties. It really is a feminine psychological mindset when starting to sit to pee and was hard at first but over time it becomes 2nd nature. Now I sit to pee because before I just suppressed her but now that I’m in cute panties it’s only natural that I put the seat down and sit like a lady. I’m less of a “man” now and I don’t say that in a derogatory way at all! It’s a mindset and I’m proud to sit like the lady I’m becoming 🙂
I am a Straight Male and I wear Panties and Pee, I do both
Hi Edith,
I have managed to complete step three Just fine. I have a new found appreciation for clean bathrooms. I must improve my stamina to squat for longer periods of time. LOL.
When I pee it still sounds like a male hose although small rather than a female spray. Must be different muscles. I’m experiencing dysphasia with this and not sure what to do except maybe over time my body will adjust and I will pee even more femininely.
When I pee in public especially. I push my hose back and the pee hits the water sounding like a woman peeing.
I now set every time with using the restroom.
Long drive from DFW Texas to Yuma Az, was very challenging as not all restrooms are as clean as we wish that they were.
I only wear panties or thong 24-7 now.
Since adolescence she is sitting to pee.
I love learning how to pee as girl like most I have to learn to wait on the process. Standing to pee is so easy hats off to all the girls . 3 years on mtf hrt is making it easier. And being in chastity cage helps to To all the ladies whoop whoop
Thank you for your support and this learning website!! question, i love to buy panties, i want to buy panties, however, i get afraid???
Hi Kevin – I felt the same way about buying panties but decided it wasn’t worth it. I bought mine at Target – went online and decided what to buy before shopping – knew where to find my choice – picked it up and went to self checkout- hope this helps.
I’m an older girl starting to transition. just recently. I bought several pairs of panties and since I’ve been wearing them regularly, I have been peeing sitting down regularly- it just seems instinctive and more natural (and wipe myself each time).
I started sitting while peeing at night, no need to turn on lights . now with my wife finding my sissy habits, we keep the seat down, she even watches me to make sure I wipe. Also sometimes I aim my clitty more down and move it a bit to get the uneven tinkle noise like a woman makes.
Sso feminine, especially when wearing panties.
I agree totally!!❤️💃🏻
I love sitting just to pee… Makes me stare at my panties lol
I love this step and how it makes me feel so girly and feminine I’ve been sitting to pee all my life because of the way it makes me feel and I absolutely love this program thank you so much for it
As a Submissive femme and very small chastity cage wearer, I have to sit to pee otherwise my pee goes everywhere!
I feel so relaxed no peeing sitting down that I do it automatically!
A book “What every man should know about their prostrate” Says that men should be sitting down and peeing from the start – When standing up and peeing the bladder does not empty out completely – This remaining urine gets infected – This does not matter when the man is young but as he gets older problems develop – By sitting down the man’s muscles are relaxed and the bladder empties out – It is a shame that things we do are not based on scientific fact – What would this world have become if all sat down and peeped
Ive been wearing panties only for years and have also been sitting to pee for over 5 years. My former Mistress Lady Laura ( who sadly passed away in 2019) had me pieced with a PA piercing, so I’ve been sitting to pee ever since. I hate standing to pee now, but have only when squatting wasn’t an option. I don’t like sharing a bathroom with guys who pee standing up.
It’s gross, and just plain stupid to me.
I’ve recently come out to all of my friends and family as being trans, and I am going to take this program very seriously. I AM becoming woman as much as I possibly can, both for myself and in the honor and memory of Lady Laura, aka My Lady Madam. I will never forget the love and guidance She gave to me. ♥️
It made perfect sense to me to sit to pee once I started wearing panties.
Hello all, iv been sitting to use the toilet for about three years now and find it completely natural to do, the odd thing is I can’t go standing up now, it doesn’t feel right… and that’s just fine with me.
The other thing I love doing is wearing a panty liner in my panties, it just helps me feel that much more feminine
Love Claire in New Zealand
thank you for the info regarding we grls sitting vs standing to pee. I have been sitting for many many yrs and still Love the feeling it brings, that is being the women i Love to be and becum. Sometimes i am wearing one of my cages. pink course and the sound of tinkling is even more pronounce and LOVE it soo much. Big reminder of who am becumming more each day. i flash back always to my x and her sitting peeing and allowing me to enjoy watching her tinkle, miss it allot. She really did not have any idea how that simple act gave such satisfaction hearing and seeing her sitting their smiling when i joined her experience of relief. Thank you for ur site and reminder of wonderful memories i have with her. stephaniecurl kisses to all my grl friends out there
I’m not trans but it’s delightful discovering my feminine side and being able to express it privately. Each step has been lovely and I’ve enjoyed sitting to pee. It’s easy and makes me feel feminine. I often imagine a voice in my mind telling me to pee and calling me sweetie.
Sitting to pee really does improve my self-image by making me feel more feminine. Its now a habit I’ll never break. Thank you!
I’ve been wearing panties and sitting to pee for years. It’s completely natural for me.
I’ve been sitting to pee for many years now (I only pee standing when I’m in public restrooms that get infrequent cleaning). There are so good reasons for this, I like admiring my panties while doing so. Then when finished, adjusting my lingerie (panties, pantyhose, etc) before fastening my pants. A bonus is that your bathroom stays much cleaner and is easier to keep clean!
This step should be the first step.
During the past week I bought a pair of nude firm control panties, sized to fit my hips rather than my waist.
I able to wear these to work under my trousers, shirt (stiff collar and long tails) and jacket, with very little chance of the being seen partly because of the colour.
Sitting to pee is much more convenient when wearing firm control underwear, especially when using the men’s room.