Welcome to step 30 of your 40-steps to femme program. This is the step that will take you to be 75% of the way through the program. The changes from one step to another have been very subtle. However, if you look back now to how you were right at the start of step one, I’m sure you will notice a fairly dramatic difference in many aspects of your life.
How did things go these past couple of weeks? Are you able to move more confidently and gracefully in your own heels? I trust that you will continue to practice walking in your heels so that you don’t lose the skills you have learned.
You will remember that way back in step 17 you learned how to shave your legs properly. Now, in step 30 we take things up another level and you will be shaving your whole body so that you can feel how it is to be soft and hairless all over.
There is not much shopping involved in step 30, but don’t worry we’ll make up for it when we get to step 31 with a fabulous shopping spree. So, think of the prospect of being able to do some shopping as motivation for completing step 30.
Essential Reading For Step 30
These are the articles that will be the essential reading for step 30. A few of the articles are those that you may have read while doing step-17, however, the information will still be relevant for now. It is important that you read all the articles so that you can make sure your skin is as soft as possible.
- How To Shave Your Legs Like A Lady: 12 Tips
- 8 Shaving Mistakes You Are Likely Making: Plus What to Do Instead
- Is Dry Shaving a Major Mistake?
- How To Prevent Ingrown Hairs
- How to Exfoliate from Head to Toe
- Learning All About Shaving Your Armpits
- How To Shave Your Arms Properly For Smooth Soft Skin
- 16 Runway Model Tips To Shave Your Body Hair For Flawlessly Smooth Skin
Your Task For Step 30
Once you have completed all your essential reading it will be time to get everything together that you will need for exfoliating, shaving, and moisturizing your body.
Your task will be to shave your body a total of 5 times over a 14-day period. Take out your calendar and using a pink or red pen, mark the date today. Today is day one of your 14-day period. As you count forward mark off days 5, 9, 12, and 15.

These 5 dates are the days that you have now scheduled as your full-body shaving days.
On the days between the days that you gave set aside for shaving, make sure that you moisturize your whole body after each bath or shower.
Additional Reading
I am sure that you already know that there is more to being girly than can be crammed into just 40 steps. This is especially so when we start adding beauty products, makeup, and fashion choices into the collection.
That is why it is vital for your growing girly education that you will be required to read at least one additional Pink Femme post each day.
Here are the article categories again:
While doing your additional reading each day, make a note of which articles you found the most useful and why.
Remember to share your favorite Pink Femme articles on your girly Pinterest profile as well as other social media platforms where you have a girly profile. That way we can all inspire more people to be girly.
Minimum Requirement For Completion
The minimum requirements for the completion of this task are very simple. You need to shave your entire body on each of the days you have marked on your calendar.
That means by the end of the two-week period your will have shaved your whole body five times and experienced how it feels to go about your day with completely smooth skin.
Consequences Of Not Meeting The Minimum Requirements
Step 30 is a step that is relatively straightforward in a practical sense even if it feels like you are making a big change to your life.
As a result, if you miss any of the designated shaving days it will count as a failure at completing the step.
The consequence of this is that you will be required to restart step-30 from the beginning, in other words, restart from day 1.
If you fail at completing step 30 after three tries you will be required to go back to repeat step 29 before you get to try and complete step 30 again.
If you skip on the social sharing of your favorite Pink Femme articles, you will be required to share an extra 2 articles for each one you skipped, including one article on a social media platform that is not Pinterest.
Be sure to come back and comment on how completing this task felt. How did it feel going about your day-to-day activities with soft, smooth skin that you were moisturizing daily? Did it make you feel more feminine than you felt before completing the step?
Once you have finished this step, click here to move on to the next step. You can also click here to go to the 40 Steps to Femme course list.
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