Congratulations on completing step 23. I trust that you still feel femme this week with your pretty painted toenails.
This week we’ll be revisiting something that you touched on briefly in step 5, only this time we’ll be covering things in a lot more detail. I’m talking about how to enter or exit a car with an elegant style.
To recap, back in step 5 our focus was on how to keep your skirt smoothed under you when sitting. That included getting in and out of a car.
You learned the mantra of bum-knees-feet for getting into a car and knees-feet-bum for getting out of a car. Those lessons for keeping your skirt smooth still hold true.
Now we’ll be expanding on that so you can maintain your full-body elegant poise when entering and exiting various types of cars.
Essential Reading
As always the first part of your task will be to go through the compulsory reading of step 24:
Your Task For Step 24
Now that you know the theory of how to enter and exit a car elegantly, including the Princess Diana clutch purse hack, it is time to put all of that into practice.
Before we get into what will be your minimum requirements to complete the task there is something you need to be aware of.
Entering and exiting a car feels different between the driver and passenger seats in the front because of the steering wheel. The rear doors also open differently giving the back seats a different feeling too.
Therefore when you practice entering and exiting a car elegantly you should practice with all four doors of your car, assuming that you have a four-door car.
If you have the opportunity, I strongly suggest that you practice with as many different cars as you can. That’s because the feelings will be different based on the heights of seats between makes and models of cars.
Additional Reading
Just like while you were completing step 23, you will be required to read at least one additional Pink Femme post each day. That way you can continually grow your feminine knowledge.
Here are the article categories again:
Minimum Requirements For Completion
Each day of the week you are to practice entering and exiting a car a minimum of 10 times. As the week progresses if you find that there is one of the seats that is trickier for you, then practice that car door more than the others.
Remember that 10 is the minimum. If you get the opportunity to practice more, then you should do so, especially if it is a different car.
Consequences Of Not Meeting Daily Targets
If on any one day of the week you fail to practice the minimum of ten times you are to add one extra day of practice.
Likewise, if at any time during the week you enter or exit a car not using the elegant style you have learned, you will need to add an extra day of practice to your week.
It does not matter if the car is parked in a public place where people can see. You are elegant and should carry yourself in an elegant manner at all times. That elegance applies to all cars no matter to whom they belong or where they are parked.
You can mark this step as complete once you have completed seven consecutive days where you have only entered and exited a car like an elegant lady and done so a minimum of ten times each day.
Be sure to come back and comment on how completing this task felt. How did it feel on the first day versus the last day of your week? Did it become easier to enter and exit a car maintaining your elegant poise? Did anybody notice how you were getting in and out of cars? What were their comments, and how did that make you feel?
Once you have finished this step, click here to move on to the next step. You can also click here to go to the 40 Steps to Femme course list.
When I first started this step it was harder than I thought because it was uncomfortable mainly because I’m fairly tall but now it seems natural to me and I always enter and exit all cars like a lady.