Welcome to the twenty-second step of your 40 steps to Femme. This week involves navigating stairs in an elegant manner.
It is something that will require a lot of practice to get perfect, and perfect is what you want before you get to do the same thing in heels later.
Last week you were introduced to the rule of pink. How did that feel?
I hope that you continue to wear/show a little pink every day from now on.
This week is all about learning how to climb stairs with ladylike poise and elegance. That includes going both up and down staircases.
The good news is that all the practice you’ll be doing will have another side-effect. Walking up and down flights of stairs is a good leg and booty workout, especially if you do it properly as I’ll be teaching you.
Why Is Doing Stairs The Right Way So Important
An important part of the entire Pink Femme program is teaching you how to carry yourself and move like a lady to the point where it becomes your natural way of going about your day.
You are here because you want to look as feminine as possible. Looking feminine is more to do with movement and gestures than clothing and makeup. It is possible for you to look feminine in a T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers just like you can get outed in the perfect dress with on-point makeup.
Now that we have that out of the way, here are the articles that make up your essential reading for step 22:
Putting What You Have Learned Into Practice
Your task for the week will be to walk up and down stairs, lots of stairs every day.
Every single time you have the opportunity to walk up or down a flight or two of stairs, use that opportunity. If opportunities don’t present themselves, then you will need to make opportunities.
For the first two days of your week you will need to do a minimum of 5 minutes of stair walking on each of those days.
Increase that to 10 minutes per day for days three and four.
Finally, you will be required to do at least 15 minutes of stair walking on each of the final three days of your week.
Skipping Days Equals Consequences
During the seven days of this task, you are expected to practice your stair walking every day. If you skip a single day you will be required to restart the entire week.
Skipping two days will mean going back and repeating step 21.
Additional Reading
Just like while you were completing step 21, you will be required to read at least one additional Pink Femme post each day. That way you can continually grow your feminine knowledge.
Here are the article categories again:
Minimum Requirements For Completion
You will be able to mark step 22 as complete once you have been able to make it all the way through your week, doing at least the minimum minutes of stair walking each day. Doing more than the minimum amount is preferred.
No, you cannot do all of the minutes on one day during the week and skip the other days. Daily practice helps ingrain habits.
Once you have been able to complete your entire week of practicing your elegant stair walking I trust that you will continue to walk stairs elegantly at every opportunity day going forward. After all, it is what an elegant lady would do.
Be sure to come back and comment on how completing this task felt. How did it feel on the first day versus the last day of your week? How many days did it take before you started to feel comfortable walking stairs elegantly? Did anybody notice the feminine way you were walking steps? What were their comments, and how did that make you feel?
Once you have finished this step, click here to move on to the next step. You can also click here to go to the 40 Steps to Femme course list.
This one took me a little bit but with a lot of practice and perseverance and a whole lot of falling, but now I’ve got the hang of it.