How to Get Rid of Split Ends

We all know that feeling all too well. We try to grow our hair out with an eye of a super hot style that we want to rock for the summer. Yet it seems that split ends are what is keeping your hair cut just too short to do what you really want to do.

How to get rid of split ends?

  1. Get your split ends trimmed at a salon. DIY does not work as you cannot be sure you have trimmed all the damages hair.
  2. DO: Use a UV protecting hair lotion or mousse.
  3. Avoid overbrushing wet hair with a paddle brush.
  4. DO: use a nourishing shampoo and conditioner
  5. Avoid tight braids
  6. Avoid hair ties with metal accents. They will snag your hair.

You and I both know that split ends are not totally avoidable. However, there is a good chance that you have learned a few hair habits over the years that not doing you or your gorgeous hair any favors.

In this article, I’ll teach you all about what those bad hair-habits are and what you can do to change them for the better.

What Exactly Are Split Ends?

Before we get into the details of what to do about split ends, we should first learn what they are.

Basically, split ends happen when the outermost protective layer of your hair’s cuticle degrades due to environmental factors, as well as normal wear and tear. For example, excess sun exposure, heat styling, chemical processes, etc will strip away the protective layer. The more your hair is exposed to them, the faster you strip away the protection.

What Causes Split Ends?

There are quite a few factors that can cause split ends. The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) states that many of the hair care methods you once thought to be good for your hair can potentially do a lot more damage than good.

1. Over Brushing

When I was a kid, I can remember how we were taught about brushing our hair 100 strokes every day. Imagine how the brush is scraping the protective layer off your hair with each stroke.

The AAD states that you should keep brushing to a minimum. Those 100 strokes can accelerate split ends.

2. Heat Styling

We all know that heat tools can and do cause damage to your hair. This includes split ends. The AAD recommends using flat irons on dry hair on a low or medium heat setting. Even then, you should limit use to no more often than every other day.

Curling irons, according to the AAD, should only be left in place for a second or two.

The trouble with heat styling tools is that the longer and hotter you have them the better your hair will hold its style.

I have never been able to use my heat styling tools at the AAD recommendations. My hair just looks too flat afterward.

What I do instead is Keep my heat styling tools packed away neatly and use them for special occasions and not for my general everyday styling.

3. Your Hairstyle

The way that you style your hair can cause breakage and split ends by placing too much tension on your hair strands for extended periods of time.

As we have already discussed, heat styling leads to damaged hair, but certain heat-free hairstyles can harm your hair.

The AAD warns against continuously wearing braids, cornrows, ponytails, and hair extensions. All of these styles pull on your hair and can cause the tension that leads to breakage.

How To Get Rid Of Split Ends

Unfortunately, your hair has no way to be able to heal itself and therefore the only way to rid yourself of split ends is to cut off your damaged ends.

Before you fire up Google and type “how to cut split ends,” let me save you a lot of grief already.

Split ends are never equal over your whole head and a DIY split end trim can very easily progress to a haircut nightmare. This is a task that is best left for your stylist at the salon.

I know many girls that over the years have turned the tragedy of getting their split ends trimmed into getting a totally new style that looks absolutely stunning.

How To Prevent Split Ends

Before you get gripped by despair and start pulling your hair out by the roots, I have some good news for you. There are a number of steps that you can follow to help prevent split ends from happening in the first place. Here are a few key tips you should definitely try so that you can maintain healthy hair.

1. Add A Split End Treatment To Your Daily Routine

Hair mousse and hair gel are fabulous on their own for helping you sculpt the style you want.

Even better will be to find a product that not only helps to style your hair but also helps to protect your strands and reduce future damage as well.

Look for a product that helps create a protective barrier against harsh UV rays and excessive heat styling.

2. Use The Right Shampoo And Conditioner

When your hair is dry and heat damaged strands will start breaking and split ends will occur.

The easiest way to avoid this will be to ditch your overly harsh hair care systems. Instead seek out a moisturizing shampoo, conditioner, and hair mask, and incorporate them into your regular hair care routine.

3. Follow Up With A Hair Mask For Split Ends

You and I both know that split ends are both annoying and disheartening.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was a single treatment that could help to repair all of that damage that you’ve done to your hair? As a trail runner who sweats more than a little out on the dusty trails during summer, I have been searching for years to find something like that.

The good news for you is I managed to find one! It is the L’Oréal Paris Elvive Total Repair 5 Damage Erasing Balm (available on Amazon). This rinse-out hair mask is formulated specifically to repair five different forms of hair damage.

You may be wondering if there is a catch to this. Well, hair growth that is more than a year old will likely be too delaminated for the balm to be able to absorb into that part of the strand.

What I like about it is that it is so easy to use. I simply swap it into my normal hair care routine once a week in place of my regular conditioner. During the hot and dry summer, I will use it twice a week.

4. Change The Way You Detangle

If you are anything like me, you will remember what our mothers used to do when we were children. That was to grab a paddle brush and brush out our freshly-washed hair to rid us of all our tangles.

Unfortunately, our hair is actually most susceptible to being damaged when it’s wet. This means when you’re brushing out those post-shower tangles, you are causing breakage at the same speed as you detangle. That is why your brush ends up so clogged with hair.

Think of how much easier wet cotton thread breaks or how much easier a wet t-shirt rips.

I’m not saying that you are doomed to live with tangled hair. Instead of using a brush to detangle your knotted hair, rather go for a wide-tooth comb to gently work out knots while your hair is wet.

It will take longer but the end goal of having healthy strong hair is worth it.

5. Wear A Ponytail Wisely

I wish this wasn’t so. The way you do up your ponytail can be what is causing your split ends.

In order to reduce the appearance of split ends for as long as possible, reduce the frequency with which you tie your hair will be a good start.

If all you ever do is put your hair up you will be causing stress to your hair that can lead to breakage. This is anywhere from roots to ends, though ponytails normally stress hair at the same pull-together point over and over again.

Look, I’m not crazy. I know that you will want to rock a sexy up-do for a night on the town. Not to mention wearing that perfect ponytail at the gym or out on a run.

However, when you do, just follow these two key tips. Stay away from hair ties that have any metal accents that seem destined to snag every strand of hair that they touch. Then, let your hair down as soon as you can post-workout. When you do, finger-comb your hair to straighten any bends and folds in your strands. Believe me, your locks will thank you.


I stay in shape by trail running. When I am not writing posts to help you be as feminine as you can be, I work as a therapist.

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