I love shopping for a new handbag and I am sure that you do too. Shopping for a new bag is not just buying the first one that you see. Not every handbag is ideal for every girl. We all are different...
Posts by Edith
I love all the girliness in my life and I love seeing girliness all around me. It is motivating to know that the small pink light that I shine out into the world is helping new girls to find their...
I have always believed that it is totally ok to express the girly part of who you are in whichever way you are able. After all, it is a key part of who you are as a person. Some girls are...
I know all too well the frustration of having a manicure at the salon in the morning and seeing a chip in my nail polish by the evening. The same goes with seeming hours that go into doing my nails...
Both Candace and I enjoy fitness. I’m surrounded by mountains and trails so it makes sense that trail running is an almost daily part of my life. Getting out in the fresh air and sunshine of a...
There might be days or even weeks where you aren’t able to go full immersion girly. All of us face circumstances from time to time that seems to be keeping us away from our goals. Whatever the...