All too often I get messages from girls bemoaning the fact that they can’t find a partner that is accepting of their girliness. On the flip side, I also hear from women who tell me that they wished...
Posts by Edith
Welcome back to the Pink Femme series where we tell you about specific MtF/femme makeover studios all over the world. Today we introduce you to Femme Fever which has a studio in Long Island, New...
Nearly every girl I have ever spoken to says that she feels better about herself when she is in touch with her inner femme energy. She is able to look in the mirror and like the girl looking back at...
A Beginners Guide To Hair Color: Everything You Need to Know
So, you’ve been pondering if you should color your hair. Changing your hair color is one of the most exciting and femme-affirming things you can do. In fact, this one aspect of your beauty...
If I had a penny for every time I have uttered the words: “It’s been so long since…” I know that many of you feel the same way. We all have those times when life seems to conspire against...
I see the comments and messages that so many girls leave under the blog posts that both Candace and I write about how they lament not being able to live femme on a full-time basis while others say...