Living a more girly life is something we all want. I am sure that you will agree that being girly is a wonderful personal project to take up. There are different ways to make that happen.
For some people being girly means going shopping for a new outfit or makeup once a month. I’ll be the first to admit that a girly shopping spree is a great thing to do. However, if once a month is the only time you indulge the girly part of who you are, you will make very slow progress.
Like with any personal project, consistency is the key. You will make much faster progress by being consistently good than by being occasionally great.
That is why I encourage girls to do something every day, no matter how small, that will make them feel girly on the inside. Maybe it is sitting with a good girly posture while you read this, or getting up and practicing your girly walk once you are done reading.
What are you doing today to nurture your inner girl? Hugs
This post was created by the talented Candie Hart and originally appeared on her Tumblr blog. It is reproduced here with her kind permission. Be sure to check out more about Candie at the end of the post and give her some Pink Femme love.
I seem to always be caught up in some special project. Whether it is something at work or at home, I’m usually into something constructive. It’s in my artistic nature to envision something better, more efficient, and less cluttered. I have a knack for seeing the end and being able to work to that end.
My best project, however, is me. I keep working on me. This means, of course, the health of body and mind, but it also means a girlier version of me. It’s being conscientious about the foods that I eat and being disciplined enough to exercise.
Consistency is key on both fronts. It’s also being girly self-aware. Yes, I wear my women’s workout wear when I exercise and wear other girly clothing when I can. Girly self-aware is more than putting on a pair of leggings, though. It’s a mindset that immerses one’s thoughts in femininity. It’s moving gracefully, adapting posture, and inflecting a softer tone in voice, reactions, and conversations. The clothes are always fun, but the project lies in the overall picture that is envisioned. In this regard, consistency is key too.
I don’t foresee myself as being a woman some day. I make that clear, for many reasons. But I do envisage myself as a more feminine version of where I am now. It’s an ongoing process. It’s a project. It’s my best project. I am happy to say, as well, that the health benefits alone have been worth the challenge. The project, of course, is not without its ups and downs. I have many flaws on top of circumstances that are often cumbersome in the process. But I won’t give up. I won’t lay it aside because the very best project I will work on is girly boy me.
So, what about you? You have a life of your own. You have family, friends, work, school, or whatever. Maybe girliness is more of a hobby for you. It was for me at one time. But let me ask you: Do you envision a time when you have your life and you have the girliness you want too? Can you see yourself working toward that end? Of all the “projects” in life that are of value, can being effeminate be a project that helps you be you? If so, girly up. I believe it can be the very best project you could ever work on.
Put on your panties, boys, and Girly Up!
Candie is an enthusiast for all things fit and femme. All of her very creative captions carry the same positive, motivating ethos that I envisioned for Pink Femme when I started this site. Use this link to go to Candie’s blog on Tumblr and give her captions some much-needed love.
If you would like to see more of Candie’s longer-form content with captions here on Pink Femme – here is the link to the list of posts that have been published.
If you are new to Pink Femme, be sure to check out the unique 40 Steps To Femme program that will help you to feel more girly one delicate step at a time.