As society evolves the traditional boundary lines become blurred and we can feel safer to express who we truly are on the inside. Women making the shift to wanting a partner with more feminine traits makes it possible for their partner to more fully embrace their feminine side.
The main factor motivating some men to become more feminine for their partner in a relationship is that they are with a partner that values feminine energy highly. Once those men have started to adopt a more feminine role it becomes easier to connect with their inner femininity.
Let’s take a closer look at the factors that cause some men to adopt the more feminine role within their relationship.
Why Some Men Become More Feminine For Their Partner in A Relationship
Relationships have changed from what they were back then, more specifically the roles that each partner plays. Gone were the days of men only being masculine and women being only feminine. Being masculine not only no longer appeals to certain women but some women are even turned off by the notion of having a masculine partner. This may be because of the fact that the woman herself is masculine and prefers to be the dominant of the relationship or that masculinity in men gives off a sense of aggression that women aren’t comfortable with.
Women Are Becoming More Masculine
Women now have to freedom to do or become what they want to be, they are no longer stuck to being a housewife or a caretaker of the kids at home. Women can now be independent and find jobs that weren’t available to them prior, they now have the ability to be just as competitive and aggressive as men when it comes to the workplace and more importantly in their relationships. In that sense, a masculine woman may be naturally more suited to be with a more feminine man.
Women Prefer Feminine Men
Multiple experiments and researches have shown that certain women prefer men that are more feminine, though the reasons why can be attributed to many factors such as the woman’s country of origin to her own personal characteristics. For example, women from countries where having poor health is a problem tend to lean towards masculine men.
However, they also found that women often think of masculine men as uncooperative, unsympathetic, aggressive, and disinterested in parenting. Women also feel that having a feminine partner allows for a more passive relationship as they don’t feel as threatened with them.
Men Have A Choice
In the same way that women can be more masculine, men can also show traits of femininity. Acts like cooking dinner for the family, doing household chores, or taking care of the kids are no longer being looked at as a woman or a mother’s job, it’s a parent’s one. Even more so if the woman is the primary breadwinner of the household. Companies have also acknowledged this with many of them offering paternal leave to dads to give them the opportunity to stay at home longer and take care of their little ones.
Gender Roles Can Be Toxic
Gender roles can either help define a person or negatively impact them, toxic masculinity is no different. Men have always been raised to be masculine and the ones that don’t follow those traits are considered lesser than the ones that do. Even though those same traits often lead to boys being more violent.
Men, like women, are dynamic with who they are, and putting them in a box and telling them this is the only way they should act generally has nasty side effects on their mental health. Research has been made that suggests that the construction of masculinity may have an effect on the way and why men commit suicide.
Though not all masculine men share the same effect, the traits of masculinity often tend to not promote taking care of a person’s mental health.
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