Why Certain Women Prefer A Man Who Is More Feminine?

As society becomes more aware of the negative impact of toxic masculinity on relationships, more women are realizing that a man who is more feminine can offer them a nurturing and safer-feeling domestic environment.

Many women prefer a man who is more feminine because traditional aggressive/violent masculinity has become obsolete in the modern world. Modern women gravitate to more feminine men as they realize that they deserve better in their intimate personal relationships.

Let’s study the reasons for women choosing more feminine men in more detail.

Why Certain Women Prefer A Man Who Is More Feminine?

In 2010, the University of Aberdeen conducted a study in which women were asked to rate the attractiveness of a series of male faces which ranged from typically masculine to more typically feminine or androgynous. The study found that the softer, less traditionally masculine faces were generally rated as more attractive by women from the United States and Europe. These findings appear to challenge traditional assumptions about heterosexual attraction and heteronormative beliefs about the relationship between genders.

Traditional, Violent Masculinity Is Obsolete In The Modern World

An important feature of the University of Aberdeen’s study is the population under consideration came from Europe and the United States. Generally, these are highly developed societies where a baseline level of physical safety can be assumed.

This is not the case in pre-modern or less developed societies where women would require the protection of a masculine figure for herself and her children; however, this comes with the drawback that the woman’s physical safety is dependent on the benevolence of the assigned ‘protector’, which certainly cannot be assumed given spousal murder rates. Therefore, in the modern world, to a woman and her children, violent masculinity poses only a threat with little protective benefit, if any.

For Many Women, Masculinity Is Alien And Malignant.

Feminist philosophers, and particularly the Marxist-feminist philosophers hold that the family is an artificial construct whose main purpose is to perpetuate the oppression of women as a sex class. In recent decades, developed societies have allowed single-parent families to develop which manage to exist without the masculine figure, which is to say, in recent generations, more and more women have grown up without the influence of a man from an early stage of their development and so are not given an archetypal or inoculating, figure of masculinity.

As a result, masculinity is a largely alien construct, making it’s excesses difficult to interpret and likely off-putting.

More Feminine Men Simply Have More In Common With Women.

The basis of any relationship is a region of common understanding; the means by which friends, partners, and relatives can communicate with each other on the basis of an assumed set of values and beliefs. This area of mutual understanding is simply larger in the case of feminine men who more readily understand how sensitively interpret their partner’s feelings, offer more helpful comment on their clothes and makeup and who can simply communicate more freely, readily and honestly.

Fashion And Changing Societal Attitudes.

The history of western civilization is littered with periods where men who adopted more effeminate styles of dress and behavior were viewed as more attractive than those who did not. Recent gender-critical scholarship has shown us that attraction, like much else, is socially constructed, and so is shaped by the societies and cultures in which we have grown up. In recent years, the defiance of traditionally assumed gender norms has reached new heights. You could even say that masculinity, is simply going out of style.


I stay in shape by trail running. When I am not writing posts to help you be as feminine as you can be, I work as a therapist.

3 thoughts on “Why Certain Women Prefer A Man Who Is More Feminine?

  1. Hello, Ms. Edith( also my mothers name),Living in the south is a real strain on ones humanity and femininity. Social morality is deeply engrained here. My heart has been lifted up in resent years to see the growing acceptance of LGBTQ movement. This also translates to more freedom for all parts of the movement. It is now getting easier to be a transgender person(sometimes even we forget that we are real people too).I just came across this website and started reading about the 40 step plan and became super excited. I have been dressing, mainly in my mothers cloths at first, since I was 13 years old. I always linked crossdressing/transgender with sex, It was only recently that I found articles and websites like this that really opened my eyes to what I had been feeling all of my life. I really I wanted to be a real woman like my mother. I am going to start the 40 step program step to femininity, Thank you so much and keep up the inspiring and loving work . Catherine Lynn

    1. I must have secretly known even before my older teenage sister first dressed me up girly. I got so excited I wet myself. I absolutely live being enfemme. I’m finding new excitement in allowing myself to really enjoy the Joy’s of prostate stimulation more than ever. I really want to have some electrolysis done.

  2. Hi I’m Jessica tease i consider myself a CD lesbian my whole life sexually is to pleasure women but unfortunately finding a female to be girly with has not happened in a long time. For myself it’s not about sex i love transitioning into a female the clothing is amazing to wear and accessories are so much fun. Do you have any recommendations for finding a female, photographer who will teach me how to pose thank you for your services to all and do you know a female physiatrist in the bay area? Xoxo Jessica dress classy not trashy

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