Whenever you hear the word ‘pink’, you automatically assume that it means something girly or something that will suit the taste of most women. The color is seen these days as an indicator of femininity. That is the reason many girls of all ages prefer adding a lot of pink clothes to their wardrobes. Pink makes you feel girly when you wear it as it reflects our sweeter and soft natures.
Back in the 1990s, the pink color was just another cool color. Many working-class men wore pink suits, and no one minded it. Nobody made fun of them for choosing pink. So even though pink has seemed to become more gender-specific there is no reason to reject the color and the psychological benefits it brings.
Here are some reasons why you should wear more pink clothes and accessories.
Use Pink To Embrace Your Femininity
There was once the notion that womanly stuff was weaker and less important than masculine things. Thankfully those times have passed. Dressing feminine does not mean that you are fragile.
Wear your pink with pride to better connect with your feminine essence. Wearing pink is not unprofessional, you are boldly challenging and breaking outdated stereotypes.
As a girl, you must never feel shy about your love for pink. Pink will look good on you as long as you feel confident wearing it.
Pink Is For Everyone
So it all started in the 1950s when people thought that the appearance of newborn babies or one-year-olds should be dressed in certain colors to show their gender so it won’t be confusing for anyone to know if it is a boy or a girl as a kind of gender reveal.
It was like putting a gender marker on babies. In many cases, this is where dysphoria starts.
Pink is also a color that can be worn and rocked by literally anyone. The color has many shades for every skin tone.
Become One Of The Pink Ladies
There have been many TV shows and movies showing a group of badass women wearing pink. Even though they were often mean, they were still happy with their pinks.
My favorite group of Pink Ladies was the girl gang in the movie Grease. They were never shy, so there is no reason why you should worry.
Put on your favorite pink piece of clothing with pride and walk with your chin up.
Wearing Pink Is ‘NOT’ An Invitation
It is true that men are attracted to a girl whose dressing reflects the softness of her soft personality. That is not an open invitation to flirt or catcall.
Wear your pinks and put low status/trash men in their place. Or, better yet, put them in pink too. Be the change that the world needs.
Back In History Pink Was For Men
Looking back in history we see that working-class men used to wear pink, and it was never something to be ashamed of.
It was the Victorian Era when pink began to get associated with girls. Women in the Victorian era were powerful. That means girls wearing pink are in no way any weaker than boys.
Wear your pink without any hesitation.
Stand Out From The Crowd And Support Survival
The color pink has also been used to represent strength, power, and survival. Those who took part in New York Survivor Race in 1991, got pink ribbons.
That same pink ribbon became the symbol for Awareness of Breast Cancer.
Pink Is Friendly With Almost All Colors And Skin Tones
Pink is a color that works well with most of the colors in your wardrobe. Pink comes in many shades, dark and light, and each of them somehow makes a perfect contrast or combination to complement other colors.
Also, there will be a shade of pink that will look good on any skin tone/color.
As with any other color you choose to wear, pink will only look good on you when you feel confident about wearing it.
You are not going to look weak by just wearing a color. It is your character that shows people who you truly are. Colors are there to please the eyes. Plus, pink makes us feel good inside.
My Choices For Adding More Pink To Your Life
When many girls first think of ways to add a little pink to their daily lives immediately choose lipstick and nail polish and never look further.
In fact, there are many ways to bring pink into your life that are more subtle, especially if you are not yet ready to step out into the world in lipstick and nail polish.
These are my pink choices for you after looking through Amazon:
- During winter there is something about wearing a soft, chunky pink sweater like this one (available on Amazon) that feels gorgeously feminine.
- Likewise, a mohair scarf like this one (available on Amazon) is perfect under the collar of my jacket when I head out into the cold.
- Where we live everyone has a chair just inside the front door. That is where we put on and take off our outside shoes. We have separate house shoes (usually slippers) so that no outside dirt is walked into our houses and apartments. These gorgeous pink slippers (available on Amazon) are perfect for that.
- If you are sporty and heading out on a run you can always rock a beautiful pink cap (available on Amazon) to keep the sun from your eyes.
- Remembering the times that we live in, we all know the importance of wearing a mask. Here is a set of washable pink face masks (available on Amazon). If someone asks why you are wearing a pink mask you can always say they were on special if you feel shy about admitting you love pink.
- If you want to wear pink and be more subtle about it you can try this hand-woven Thai wristband (Available on Amazon).
- Another way to accessorize with pink in a subtle way is with a necklace that you can wear over or under your clothes. This Pink Brazilian Agate Gemstone Hexagonal Pointed Reiki Chakra Pendant Necklace (available on Amazon) feels empowering to me when I wear it.
- I like to protect my phone and it is so awesome that phone covers are available in pink like these silicone gel phone covers (available on Amazon).
- One of the steps in the 40-steps-to-Femme program involves a feelings journal where you will be required to write and bullet journal your femme emotions as a way to be better in touch with your inner self. What better way to do that than with a pink notebook made with recycled paper (available on Amazon).
- Are you ready to prove to the world and yourself that you are fully committed to being the best Pink Femme girl you can possibly be? If so, then you ought to be wearing a pink commitment ring like this one (available on Amazon) as a symbol of your dedication.
Another way that you can wear pink and be sure that nobody will ever judge you is to wear something that promotes breast cancer awareness. It is a great cause and needs awareness. This can take the form of the classic pink ribbon pin that is popular in October.
Alternatives that are appropriate all year round are the pink awareness silicone bracelet (available on Amazon) or an awareness face mask (available on Amazon).
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