Welcome to the twentieth step in your program of steadily progressing into a more feminine version of yourself. You are nearly halfway through the steps that I have mapped out for you to follow.
Take a moment to reflect on how well you have progressed over the nineteen steps that have brought you to this point. Feel proud of the fact that you are already so much better than you were when you started out.
A perfect way to project how proud you feel in your growing femininity is standing/posing in a proud ladylike manner. The good news is that perfecting your elegant way of standing is exactly what we will be working on this week.
As we have been doing with almost all of the steps so far, I have put together an essential reading list of articles that explain things in great detail. Then for the rest of the week, your task will be to put what you have learned into practice with the focus on your inner feelings.
Essential Reading
These are the articles here on Pink Femme that will teach you what you need to know in order to successfully complete this step:
- How To Stand Like A Ballerina
- How To Stand Using The Model’s T-Stance
- Proper Feminine Posture While Standing
Your Task For The Week
Your task for the week will be to practice standing like a lady.
You will be required to practice your feminine stance using the model’s T position for your feet ten times each day. That is five times with your left foot forward and five times with your right foot forward.
You need to do this for seven consecutive days. If you do not get at least 10 practice poses/stances in on a day you will need to restart the task from day one. Ideally, you should do your practice poses in front of a mirror so that you can check your posture.

In addition, during the week you will be required to stand like a lady using your feminine pose/stance in public three times. You will need to hold the pose for a minimum of five seconds for it to count.
If you have a lady friend that is helping you with your process, ask her to critique the feminine pose you use in public because you don’t have a mirror.
Alternatively, practice your pose at the mall. Do some window shopping. Stop to admire some pretty outfits in a shop window and use your reflection in the shop window to check that you are standing posed correctly.
Both when you are practicing in front of a mirror and when you use your feminine pose in public, remain aware of how it makes you feel on the inside. How do those feelings evolve as the week progresses?
Additional Reading
By now you may have noticed that the 40 steps to femme program only makes up a small portion of all the articles here on Pink Femme.
So part of your task this week is to read one additional article here on Pink Femme so that you can expand your feminine knowledge. Here are the article categories:
On each day this week pick one of the categories, then scroll through that category looking for an article that you haven’t read yet, then read it. If you find an article that you really love, then you can always share it on your feminine Pinterest profile.
Minimum Requirements For Completion
You will be able to mark this task as complete once you have practiced your ladylike pose ten times a day for seven consecutive days and used your feminine pose in public three times for at least 5 seconds each time.
Finally, you will need to read at least one additional article on Pink Femme at some stage during each of the seven days that you practice your ladylike pose.
Be sure to come back and comment on how completing this task felt. How did it feel looking in the mirror when you struck your first beauty-pageant style pose? Did those feelings change throughout the week? Did anybody notice you standing in a ladylike manner out in public? What were their comments, and how did that make you feel?
Once you have finished this step, click here to move on to the next step. You can also click here to go to the 40 Steps to Femme course list.
The last 20 steps aren’t hyperlinked
Thank miss Edith, with you and this step, and my girlfriends I am now standing and posing correctly thank you so much.