Welcome to step twelve of your 40 step program to create a new you. For the past week, you will have been practicing your new feminine way of walking. How has that been feeling?
I know that many of you girls are rather shy about showing too much of your inner femme self to the world. For you, the mere sight of what step 12’s title is may have caused you a slight feeling of panic. You can relax. There is nothing that will out you if you are not ready.
Actually, if you are a young girl living at home with your parents, following the basic steps to feminize your room will actually do more to keep your secret safe. Let me explain a little.

As an elegant young lady, the first part about creating a feminine feeling room is for it to be neat and tidy at all times. Think about it, your parents are far more likely to leave your room alone if you keep it clean and neat, than if it is messy and a parent comes in to tidy up and then find your girly stuff.
Today when you are out and about, take a little time to look at all the women you see.
When you see a woman who has put in the time and effort to look elegant out in public with her outfit, hair, and makeup all on point, you can be sure that she takes the time to make sure her room is neat, tidy and pretty as well. Much more so than the many women who do not make any effort on their appearance.
Some girls think that when they become elegant and femme they will start to feminize their room so that their space can be pretty. The truth is that it works in reverse. Looking elegant does not make you feminine. You look elegant because you already feel feminine. And having a personal space that helps you to feel feminine is a vital step.
If you are wondering how you are going to be able to feminize your room, especially in a way that won’t give you away unless you want to be out, I have made it easy for you.
I wrote an article called How to feminize your room: 17 essential steps. The first part of your assignment will be to go and read the whole article, all 17 steps. Don’t be frightened, not all of those steps will be compulsory for you to complete this task and move on to step 13 of the 40 steps. So, go and read the article now.
Just to check that you have read the article before we can move on to the next part of your task.

The first part of your task to do the first five of the steps to feminize your room. The first 5 steps are compulsory. If you like, you may choose one or two of the remaining 12 steps as optional extras.
That will be at the start of your week.
When you reach the end of the week you will need to repeat the first 5 steps a second time. Obviously, as an elegant Pink Femme lady, you will keep your room neat and femme feeling all through the week.
During the week you will need to decide which of the additional 12 steps you will be able to do. That is because, at the end of the week, one of those steps will be a compulsory add on to be able to mark the task as complete.
Again, at the end of the week, you are most welcome to add more of the 17 room feminization steps if you are able to do so.

Remember to comment below and tell us how it feels to have a fabulously feminine feeling room. How did it change the way you woke up in the morning or arriving back to your room. Your girly sanctuary from the world. Which of the other steps were you able to do?
Once you have finished this step, click here to move on to the next step. You can also click here to go to the 40 Steps to Femme course list.
This really makes me feel girly and I absolutely love it. My bedroom is a light pastel pink with lots of pillows on my bed and pink and white lace bedding, and a canopy and sheer see through curtains all the way around it. My vanity and makeup station makes it even more girly, it’s my little piece of paradise.
I finished all the parts of this step. It didn’t really change my room or habits very much, but I feel satisfied when I complete steps.
Having a female partner all of the this step had already been carried out, but we did talk about changes that we could make to feminise our home.