Step Sixteen: Wrap your towels like a girl after a shower or bath

Welcome to step 16 of your 40-steps to Femme program. Well done to you for progressing so far along your girly path.

Take a moment now to look at your hands, knowing in your heart that they are already more feminine than they were before you started step 15. I know that you will keep hand care as part of your weekly beauty routine so that your hands can get more and more feminine every week.

Step 16 Is About How A Simple Change Makes You Feel

Step 16 may seem like a super simple step to complete and one that you may be tempted to skip altogether, but don’t do that.

This step is one of those that have been formulated to have a really powerful psychological effect. You have no doubt felt quite a few of the previous steps that you’ve done have had a remarkable psychological impact on your feminization process. Step 16 is no different.

Get Out Of The Bath/Shower In A Ladylike Way

Today you’ll be learning how to behave like a lady every time you get out of the shower or out of the bath. Yes, I am talking about how you wrap your towel. These are essential skills that you need to learn in your ongoing feminization process.

As with previous steps, there will some links to further reading for you to do.

Your Essential Reading

The first of the two posts that you’ll be needing to read cover how to wrap a towel around your body like a lady when you get out of the shower or bath.

The second of the two posts that you will be needing to read covers the equally important skill of how to wrap a towel around your wet hair after you have washed your hair.

Once you have completed reading these two posts come back here and we can start talking about what you will be needing to specifically do during this coming week to be able to get yourself well-practiced in these two essential skills.

Now that you’ve finished reading those two posts and now know how to wrap your hair and body after a shower/bath let’s get into the specifics of how you will be practicing this over the coming week.

Your Task For The Week

Every time you take a bath or shower during this coming week you are to wrap both your body and your head in a ladylike manner.

Once you have wrapped your towels around both your body and hair you then take the time to do the moisturization of your feet and hands like you learned to do in steps 10 and 15 of the 40 steps to femme program.

If you are already shaving your legs as covered in step 17 now will be the time that you will be moisturizing your shaved legs as well.

Having your towels wrapped in a girly way is not only a very important ladylike thing to do. Doing this also gives the feminizing act of applying moisturizer a much deeper emotional feeling. You will already be in a more feminine mindset before you even touch the moisturizer.

The Beginning Of A Whole New Feminine Routine

Once your week is complete, wrapping a towel in a girly way will be the way you wrap a towel around your body every time you bath or shower. You will also continue to wrap your hair in a towel every time you wash your hair or your hair gets wet.

Maybe you love the feeling so much that you will wet your hair just to be able to wrap your hair in a towel the next time you give yourself a pedicure.

Minimum Requirement To Complete The Step

You will be able to mark step 16 as complete once you have wrapped towels around your hair and body following each and every bath/shower you take for seven consecutive days. Skipping this just once means that you need to start counting from day 1 of this step again.

Be sure to come back here after you have completed your week and let me know in the comments down below how you felt while wrapping your head and your body in such a ladylike manner and how it has impacted on in your growing internal feminine feelings.

Once you have finished this step, click here to move on to the next step. You can also click here to go to the 40 Steps to Femme course list.


I stay in shape by trail running. When I am not writing posts to help you be as feminine as you can be, I work as a therapist.

6 thoughts on “Step Sixteen: Wrap your towels like a girl after a shower or bath

  1. Thank you. I’ve been wanting to know how to do this right for ages.
    Have you ever considered doing tutorials on how to put your hair in rollers, do a blowout and use a curling iron. Those were skills I found baffling and very difficult to master when I was starting out.

  2. Pingback: Step 23: Paint Your Toenails To Make Them Pretty | PinkFemme
  3. This step is absolutely wonderful how feminine and girly it makes me feel. I bought three peice sets so I have a towel for my hair, body, and wash cloth. I have them in pink lavender light blue yellow black and red.

  4. The body towel wrap was quite straight forward, although my lack of boobs made it a little unnecessary but I understand why I ned do it. The same with the hair wrap, again because my hair is still short for a lady. However I have started to grow my hair and cannot wait to be able to have a more feminine style, so wrap my head after a shower or hair wash.

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