Young lady, it is time to work on your deportment. Today we will start practicing how to sit.
How to sit on a low chair like a young lady? Focus on keeping your knees and thighs pressed together. The way you learn to do this is by placing your feet apart with your toes turned inward. This will help press your thighs together till it becomes second nature.
As a lady, always remember that there are lecherous men out in the world that will try to look up your skirt at any opportunity. You should, therefore, maintain modest decorum at all times.

This is the first step toward ladylike sitting that all girls learn before they begin the more formal Duchess Slant, Cambridge Cross and Standard Cross.
The focus will be on keeping your knees and thighs together whenever you sit.

The way you learn to do this is by placing your feet apart once you are sitting and point your toes inward. This will gently push your thighs closer together.
Remember to fold your hands and place them on your lap between your legs. Think of placing your hands as if you are holding a small clutch purse in your lap. Maintain this placement when your hands are not in use. This position will also weigh your skirt down and help maintain your modesty.

Your task will be to do this every time you sit for a full week so that pressing your thighs and continue to do so after it has become second nature for you.
If you are able to sit in a ladylike way every single time you sit for seven days you will be able to mark this task as complete.
If during the week you find yourself sitting in an unladylike manner with some space between your knees or knees and thighs there will be consequences.

The punishment will be adding an extra day to the task on your first mistake, two days on the second mistake, three days on the third mistake and so on. In other words, five mistakes will add 15 extra days onto this task (5+4+3+2+1).
The good news for girls in transition is that you can practice your knees together sit when you use the bathroom. If your tuck is good there will be nothing to trigger possible dysphoria.

Remember to comment below and tell us how it feels to sit with your knees together in a ladylike way.
Once you have finished this step, click here to move on to the next step. You can also click here to go to the 40 Steps to Femme course list.
I adore your 40 steps and have been waiting patiently for step 9 to be published.
I look forward to step 10 coming soon.
Thank you
Same here! can’t wait!
hello, been awaiting for next article to be published
This step is very important I think after all your trying to be a girl and you don’t want to get outed, besides it’s very lady like. I keep my legs closed at all times while sitting, driving, peeing ext. I’m a girl and will always be and act like the girl I am.
Ever since I decided to truly bw a Lady, these steps are becoming less and less dificult! (BLUSH!) And now, since there is the possibility of my becoming a Wife, the incentive to be a Lady is so much more! I don’t ever want to be a male again! I simply adore belonging to one, though! It makes me feel ever so “complete!”. I think I was “planned” to become a Wife! I simply adore it so much!
I managed to make a fair start on my pinterest profile over the holiday, still more to do though. It was surprisingly easy to keep my knees and thighs together by twisting my feet in, although not quite as easy when driving a car with a manual gearbox. I think that I may be turning my feet in a little more than necessary but I think given time I’ll become second nature to sit this way.