Congratulations sweetie! You have successfully made it through the first ten percent of the program. Everything that you have done so far has been easy to keep private. I am sure that none of the first four steps have given you any cause to doubt your decision to go femme.
How to sit and stand in a skirt? Sitting and standing in a skirt is a vital skill for every girl. Your skirt can so easily ride up, exposing way more to the world than any lady should. You need to smooth down your skirt at the back when both sitting down and getting up.
Sitting and standing in a skirt is a skill that every girl learns at a young age. Later, when you do progress to skirts and dresses, nothing will give you away quicker than sitting like a guy. This is true no matter how perfect and passable your makeup, nails, and silhouette is.

Later we will have a detailed lesson on how to sit like a lady. For now, you will be practicing the hand movements that you will need to smooth down a skirt. You will do this while wearing your jeans, trousers, shorts of suit.
In other words, you will be practicing the hand movements every time you sit. That way your hand movements will be completely instinctive by the time you wear a skirt for the first time. Think of it as an insurance policy against outing yourself later.
Before we get into the details of your task for this step, let’s first take a look at how you smooth down your skirt while sitting in different situations.
Sitting down on a chair
When you sit down on a chair, use both hands to smooth your skirt from just above mid-thigh down towards the hemline or behind your knees.

Getting up from a chair
When you are ready to get up, remain aware of your skirt. It may have adjusted, shifted or even ridden up at the back while you were seated. It may even feel like your skirt is no longer underneath you and you are merely sitting on your panties. Don’t panic. It will give you away. Simply place both hands behind your bum and smooth out your skirt slowly as you stand up. Once you have done that, remember to pull down the front of your skirt. This is because your skirt will almost always ride up slightly in the front.

Sitting down on the floor
When you sit down on the floor, use just one hand to smooth down your skirt the same way as when you sit on a chair. Using your other hand, hold down the front of your skirt as you settle cross-legged on the floor. I am right handed and I find it easier to smooth the back of my skirt with my left hand and hold down the front of my skirt with my right hand.

Getting up from the floor
This is a whole different adventure. It is also why many women do extra deep weighted squats in the gym. What I do is bring my knees together to my left with my feet to my right. Be careful because this move can possibly rip a tight skirt. Once in this position I use my hands to push my center of mass over my feet and stand up.
If my skirt is tight I will rock over onto my hands and knees, then, use my hands to push up and back to get my weight over my feet and stand up.
Either way, you need to hold the front and back of your skirt down as you start standing or you will flash everyone around you.
Getting in and out of cars
If your date is picking you up in his flashy truck that has high ground clearance, you will be better off wearing pants. The other option is to staple your skirt together using your hands. Then somehow lift your leg to its highest capacity and launch yourself into the truck using just your one leg. Getting out of a high truck involves a swivel to get your feet out and jump while somehow smoothing out your skirt in mid-air.

Getting into a normal lower car remember the phrase bum-knees-feet. Face away from the car with your knees and feet together. Lower your bum into the seat the same way as you do with a chair. Then swivel into the car bringing your knees in first and then your feet. Remember to check and smooth your skirt once you are sitting in the car.
Getting out of a normal car is quite simple as well. Swivel out of the car, leading with both knees together, feet following. Place both feet on the ground, keeping your knees and feet together. Stand up in the same way you would from a chair, smoothing your skirt down as you stand.

Your Task
For the next seven days, you will practice the hand movements of smoothing down a skirt every time you sit and stand up. This includes every time you get into a car and out of a car.
If you do not normally sit on the floor, you will practice sitting down on the floor and getting back up in the way described above. You will do this at least twice each day.
You do not need to actually be wearing a skirt all day every day. You need to picture in your mind that you are wearing a skirt and smooth down your imaginary skirt when you sit down and stand up.
Practicing this daily will mean that you will know how to handle your skirt in social situations when you get to that later.

Additional Reading
I am sure that you already know that there is more to being girly than can be crammed into just 40 steps. This is especially so when we start adding beauty products, makeup, and fashion choices into the collection.
That is why it is vital for your growing girly education that you will be required to read at least one additional Pink Femme post each day.
Here are the article categories again:
While doing your additional reading each day, make a note of which articles you found the most useful and why.
Be sure to come back and comment below on how you managed with the fifth step of your 40 Steps to Femme program. How did it feel to be aware that your skirt may be moving while you sit down and stand up?
Once you have finished this step, click here to move on to the next step. You can also click here to go to the 40 Steps to Femme course list.
Thank you, some excellent, helpful advice. Very much appreciated.
Hugs and kisses, Rachel
Thank you. Although I have worn skirts for a long time, this is something I need to practice and remember.
As I try to move toward a more lady like life I have found this the most difficult. You instructions help
Hello again Edith. I love the whole process of wearing my dresses and skirts, from putting my pantyhose on to doing my final check in the mirror to make sure everything is perfect. I love it though when I run my hands across my bottom and feeling how smooth it is when I smooth my skit or dress out. Mmmmm so wonderful, smooth, and feminine. Feels so good.
I have showed my satin panties too many times, thanks for the tips.
This was the most difficult task yet for me. Since I don’t wear skirts, it was hard to imagine wearing one. After two weeks of trying, I think it is time to move ahead anyway.
It’s easy enough to practice sitting and standing even when wearing trousers (pants), although I feel a little embarrassed practicing in the office. At home in a skirt it all makes sense and a mirror does reveal what you are revelling.
My partner gave me a short skater skirt to practice in, it’s much more difficult to stand when wearing it than the longer pencil skirt that I had started with. I think that I will need much more time with this task.