Step Fifteen: Care For Your Hands In A Girly Way

Welcome to step fifteen of your 40 steps to femme program. Congratulations for keeping with the program all the way until now.

How did it feel to be wearing your bra daily? I hope you made sure to wash it every evening. Putting on a dirty bra is not a very girly thing to do now. Is it?

While on the topic of steps that you have completed already, remember how fabulously feminine your feet felt in step 10? I hope that you are still taking care of your feet in a girly way at least once a week. Now the time has come to treat your hands in the same gorgeous way.

Before you get into a panic that I will be instructing you to strut around town showing off bright red painted nails, take a deep breath and relax. I know that this can be a very scary prospect, especially for new girls.

In fact, if you have already progressed to the point that you are regularly wearing nail polish, you will need to consider removing your nail polish for this step so that you can get the maximum benefit.

We all know that it is important to wash our hands regularly. It keeps the nasties away that could make us sick. If you are out at the mall or somewhere and you need to use the public bathroom, remember that the feminine thing to do is to wash your hands when you go into the bathroom before you do your business and then again afterward.

Keeping up your hygienic hand washing routine is an important step to staying girly. However, it is not the only thing that you need to do to take care of your hands in a girly way.

By the time you have completed step 15 you will know exactly what to do to keep your hands feeling feminine and you will have already started to include this in your daily routine.

Learning About Feminine Hands

The first part of your task will be some reading matter so that you can understand exactly what to do. So girls, are you ready for feminine feeling hands?

Your first article to read will be this one that is all about how to treat dry skin on your hands.

Once you are done reading that you need to continue with reading 16 nail care tips for feminine looking hands.

Now girls, there is no need to panic. This task does not include painting your nails. So those of you who are keeping your girly life private can continue doing so. Of course, if you are already out and want to wear nail polish, those steps are optional for you to do as well.

Now let’s move on to what you will be required to do this week.

Step By Step

You will be book-ending your week with a basic hand and nail treatment. I usually do mine on a Sunday afternoon or evening as a way to be ready for the week ahead. So for you, this treatment will mark both the beginning and the end of the task.

Begin by exfoliating your hands. I use a gentle sugar scrub that I rub all over my hands, front and back including my fingers. I remember once being in an airport transit lounge for hours on a Sunday. So, I got a sugar sachet from a coffee shop and mixed some sugar into a little hand cream and that got the job done.

Next will be to file your nails. You will file each nail in one direction only, starting from the sides and file toward the tip. By the time you are finished with a nail there should be no sharp corners or snags, then move to the next nail until you are finished.

Finally, you will buff your nails. As your nails grow they create little uneven ridges across the top. Buffing will make the tops of your nails feel gossamer smooth. Every time you run a fingertip over one of your smooth, buffed nails you will feel a delightful feminine tingle inside.

Now that you have your hands ready for the week ahead you are to ensure that you have your hand cream with you at all times.
Ines Rau – An inspirational girl whose femininity you can emulate

For the next week, every time you wash your hands or use hand sanitizer you will be required to moisturize your hands. That counts for washing dishes, doing laundry, and having a shower/bath.

Each time you forget to use moisturizer after your hands have been wet there will be a penalty. That penalty is extending this task by a whole extra day. So, by extension, forgetting to moisturize your hands 7 times in a single day will extend this task by an extra week.

At the end of your week you will be required to give your hands and nails another treatment like you did before you started.

If you have penalties and this task extends beyond a week, you will be expected to give your hands and nails a treatment on day 7 and at the end of your additional penalty days are complete.

I trust that by the time you reach the end of this step of your femme journey, you will realize how important it is that your hands continue to feel soft and feminine. The best way to do that will be to keep your hand cream close by and make moisturizing a part day-to-day beauty routine.

You will be able to mark step 15 as complete when you have completed seven days of moisturizing your hands every time they get wet, without fail. Remember to do your hand and nail treatment every 7th day and/or at the end of the task.

Remember to comment below and tell us how it feels to be keeping your hands soft and feminine for the whole day, every. How many times did you just feel the softness of your hands or run a fingertip across a gossamer smooth nail? Did it make you feel any different or more feminine on the inside?

Once you have finished this step, click here to move on to the next step. You can also click here to go to the 40 Steps to Femme course list.


I stay in shape by trail running. When I am not writing posts to help you be as feminine as you can be, I work as a therapist.

4 thoughts on “Step Fifteen: Care For Your Hands In A Girly Way

  1. This is another step I enjoy because I love soft and feminine they feel. I use shea and coco butter lotion all the time after my hands had been in water, the same that I use on my body and feet. I just love the pretty smell of it and how smooth,feminine, and girly it makes me feel.

  2. Maybe too much too soon looking after my nails, it was not very long in the before my glossy nails were spotted and a comment made. I explained that my partner had complained about the my rough nails and promptly set about trimming them, this lead onto a manicure finishing with nail polish.

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