Before we move excitedly on to your new task for the coming week, let’s take a moment of reflection. By finishing step ten, you are now 25% along your path to your dream and goal of being fully feminine. How does that make you feel?
Well, young lady, from my side I can say that I am super proud of the progress you have made to get this far.
Your task for step 11 is very important. You can get everything else right but nine times out of ten it is the way you walk that will betray your inner femme feelings and can even be the only thing that outs you.
The good news darling is I have written you a detailed set of instructions on how you can feminize your walk.
Your first task will be to go and read that article now by following this link. I know that you will need to refer back to the instructions daily as you do your task, but just read it through for now.
You need to have read about how to feminize your walk before you can continue reading about this task. So, if you haven’t done so yet go and do that now.

For the next part of the task, you will need to count your steps. You can do this with Apple Health for iPhones and Google Fitness on Android phones.
Your task will be to walk a minimum of 500 steps every day for seven days. The only steps that count are the ones that you walk following the instructions on how to feminize your walk.
No, you can’t just do 3500 steps on the first day and think that you are done. That is because there is no maximum on the number of steps you can do on a day, only a minimum.
Any day that you fail to reach 500 steps won’t count and you will need to repeat that day.
The more steps you do, the quicker your femme walk will feel and look completely natural – like you have been doing it your whole life.
Remember to comment below and tell us how it feels to walk with a feminine arm swing. See how it changes the whole way you walk. So much more girly.
Once you have finished this step, click here to move on to the next step. You can also click here to go to the 40 Steps to Femme course list.
I walk like this on a daily basis when not in guy mode. I wish I could be in girl mode 24/ 7 because I love being a girl like I was ment to be.
The path is deepening. Learning to walk like a woman is unlike the other steps because it’s movement. It was challenging and I’ve certainly not mastered it.
But now it feels so good.
It was only when I started this week that I realised my arm movements were slightly more feminine than masculine, although it was not easy to walk around the office with one foot in front of the other without attracting to much attention. Even on the commute to the office walking with one foot in front of the other felt a little embarrassing, however I managed to more than the required 500 feminine steps a day. my next challenge is to gradually start walking like a woman in the office, without attracting too much attention.