This week your task will be learning how to sit like a lady with poise and elegance. This includes the best ways to cross your legs for different types of social interactions as taught in the beat finishing schools for young ladies.
First though, congratulations on completing step seventeen of your 40-step program.
How did it feel to have silky smooth legs for the whole week? I am sure that you will maintain smooth legs as a part of your weekly beauty routine from now on. The feelings that you felt over this past week will give you a hint of what you will experience as you progress further to steps 30 and 39.
One of the wonderful feelings that you can enjoy with your silky smooth legs happens when you keep your legs together. That is when you have the gorgeous sensation of smooth skin against smooth skin.
I have some great news for you. All of the practice that you will be doing for step 18 will allow you to feel all of those gossamer sensations.
That’s correct, today you will begin the process of learning how to sit elegantly. Sitting correctly with poise and elegance is something taught in the best finishing schools and now you have the opportunity to learn.

As always the first part of your task is reading the “how-to” guides that I have prepared just for you. These are as follows:
Now that you know how to sit properly, the remainder of your task will be putting your new knowledge into practice.
This is the practical part of your task in detail.
Each and every time you sit down or stand up you are to do so using poise and elegance as you have been taught. Remember that this includes smoothing your skirt under you as you sit just like you learned in step 5. Even if you are wearing trousers, you should be sweeping your hands down the backs of your thighs as if you were wearing a skirt.
Each day you must practice each of the sitting poses at least once:
- Queens pose
- Duchess slant with knees to the left
- Duchess slant with knees to the right
- Cambridge cross with knees to the left
- Cambridge cross with knees to the right
- European knee cross with knees to the left
- European knee cross with knees to the right
Do not shift from one pose to another while you are sitting. You must have it clear in your mind which pose you will use before you sit down and then sit in that pose and hold it. For the purpose of your practice for this week when you need to change from one pose to another you will get up from the pose you are sitting in and then sit down in a different pose.
Sitting in some of these poses might make your legs feel stiff as you are not used to having your legs in this position. When this happens you should walk the stiffness out of your legs before sitting again in your new pose.
A good idea for walking the stiffness out of your legs is to walk to the ladies’ room/bathroom and back. Remember to tuck your arms to your sides as you walk in the same way as you learned in step 11.

As you get more used to sitting constantly in a more feminine manner you will begin to notice that sitting with elegant poise feels different on the inside. I want to focus on those feminine feelings that you start getting. See how the different ways that you cross your legs stir up different feelings within you.
You will be able to mark this task as complete once you are able to seven consecutive days of only sitting in a feminine manner. If you catch yourself sitting in the old way then you will need to start your week from day one again. There will be exceptions. For instance, if you go to the gym or do exercise that requires a certain way of sitting, then do that but focus on feeling feminine while you do so. The same goes for certain work situations that might require you sitting differently for safety reasons.
Be sure to come back and comment on how this task felt for you to change the way you sit and then get up from a chair. Did those feelings change throughout the week? Did anybody notice the changes in you?
Once you have finished this step, click here to move on to the next step. You can also click here to go to the 40 Steps to Femme course list.
I wish you were closer to me so you could train me in person how to be a lady
It took me little bit to get used to it but it was so worth it and now I do this with confidence. Thank so much Edith