Today is the day that you will start to establish your newly discovered femme self out in the world – though only in a digital sense.
As you likely know, close to 80% of Pinterest users are female. That means that Pinterest is jam-packed full of content that will help you blossom into fully femme even after you have completed the 40 steps.
What are the benefits of Pinterest for a girl? Pinterest helps girls discover who they truly are. It will help you to discover and do what you love by making you feel more inspired, creative, and organized.
Step eight of the 40-step program is divided into five parts. However, you will be able to mark this step as complete when you have completed the first four parts. The final part will be ongoing through the remainder of your 40-step program.
The first part of step eight is to create a profile on Pinterest for your femme persona. That means that the profile will have your femme name. The good news is that I have collected together instructions on exactly how to do that.

Part One: Creating your account
If you do not have a profile on Pinterest, this link will take you to the instructions for how to set up your Pinterest account and profile. The link will take you to an article on Livewire that is easier to follow than the help files that Pinterest created.
For those of you who already have a Pinterest account, I have found this great resource that you can use to create a second Pinterest account (the link takes you to the help page created by Pinterest just for this) that will allow you to shift seamlessly from one Pinterest account to the other.
Don’t forget to include a nice femme profile picture.

Part Two: Creating Pinboards
Once you have your new femme Pinterest account and profile it will be time to create the pinboards for your new femme profile.
You will begin by creating a minimum of a dozen pinboards. Fifteen pinboards will be more ideal as the layout of your pinboards on your profile will look neater.
The following are compulsory pinboards that you must have when you start:
- Fall Fashion,
- Winter Fashion,
- Spring Fashion,
- Summer Fashion,
- Pink Femme,
- Décor Ideas,
The following are optional pinboard ideas. Remember you need at least six of these to start:
- Hairstyles,
- Makeup,
- Nails,
- Shoes,
- Purses (Handbags),
- Jewelry,
- Skirts,
- Dresses,
- Shorts,
- Pants,
- Lingerie,
- Hosiery,
- Tops (Blouses),
- Jackets,
- Skincare and Beauty,
- Diet,
- Gym/Sportswear,
- Office/Workwear,
- Prom/Homecoming,
- Bridal,
As you continue your journey to becoming more femme you will likely refine some of these boards further. For instance instead of just skirts and dresses, you will likely look into A-line, Circle, Pleated, Flared, Maxi, Midi, Mini, skirts or dresses by way of example.
If you are a fan of a celebrity who has fabulous, feminine style then create a fan board for that celebrity as well. For me, my fan board would be Klossy.

Step Three: Filling Your Pinboards
Once you have created your pinboards you will need to fill them. You will need a minimum of a dozen pins on each of your pinboards to complete task three. You will find your pin ideas by typing the subject of your pinboard into the search bar on Pinterest.
For instance search “fall fashion” and you will get a page full of pins related to fall fashion. You will then select pins and re-pin them to your corresponding pinboard (in this example your “Fall Fashion” pinboard). Don’t just select the first 12 pins that appear in your search and re-pin all of those. Take your time and select pins that make you feel “OMG, that’s gorgeous.”
When you get to your Décor pinboard do a search for girly décor or feminine décor.
The one exception will be your Pink Femme pinboard. For that pinboard, you are to select images from this Pink Femme website and pin those images to your Pink Femme pinboard. Be sure to include the link to the post in Pink Femme where that image came from. That way, your Pinterest profile can inspire other girls to the Pink Femme way of life.
Part three is complete when you have at least 12 pins on each of your pinboards.

Part Four: Finding Girly Friends To Follow
Go back to all of your pinboards where you have re-pinned pins from other Pinterest users. Choose your favorite two pins from that pinboard. Go to the Pinterest profile of the person who pinned the pin that you shared. Follow that person on Pinterest because you like what they like.
Then go to the list of people that already follow that Pinterest user and follow them as well. After all, these are more girls that like the same girly things that you do. However, you must take care when doing this that you do not follow more than about 200 people in a single session on Pinterest as it may flag your profile for spam and prevent you from re-pinning and following other girls for a couple of hours.
There is one Pinterest profile that I feel that each of you girls will benefit from following, and that is the Pink Femme Pinterest profile. Not only do I follow girls who have chosen to follow the Pink Femme page (when I log in once or twice a week), but it is also a wonderful corner of Pinterest to connect with other girls who are doing the 40-Steps-To-Femme program.
You will start to notice that the “home” feed on your Pinterest will start to show pins related to what you have re-pinned as well as pins from all the girls you have followed on Pinterest. You will also start getting Pinterest followers as well. This is important for part five of this Pink Femme step.

Part Five: Growing your Girly Presence On Pinterest
All through the remainder of your 40 step program, you are to return to your Pinterest profile regularly and add new pins and follow more girls. You are to add at least a dozen new pins each week that you will re-pin from pins that appear in your constantly changing home feed.
During each session that you do on Pinterest you must check your own list of followers, and if you have gained any new followers that you do not yet follow you must make sure to follow them back. After all, a girl that has started to follow your Pinterest profile is a girl that likes the same things that you do.
Remember to comment below and tell us how it feels to have your own fully femme Pinterest profile.
Once you have finished this step, click here to move on to the next step. You can also click here to go to the 40 Steps to Femme course list.
Dear Lady,
Do you have a full program list? I am really curious about next steps.
It feels awsome. I love wearing panties.l wear them every day, as well as stockings. It feels awsome
Great site and I love this step in particular. I’m a trans woman and most of the feminization items I have completed over the last five years, but the positivity and recognition of the value of feminization keeps me coming back here. I added a second Pintrest for this purpose. Love the categories and under the Pink Femme folder I pinned twelve of the posts from this site, that I found great. Here is my link:
What an amazing exercise. I’ve had a Pinterest account for a couple of years now but never really used it but now I look at it every day.
I’d never followed anyone or had any followers but that has changed and I 30 followers after just a week and my boards have never looked better.
I highly recommend this to you all.
You can find me @colekristina6
Many thanks Edith for all you do x
Hi you definitely have caught my feminine spirit so much I have received the fraction of what is going through my wanting to know I’m still in my closet your little steps have helped my female spirit feels so much relaxed and comfortable thank you very much
Hi my name is carlie. step 8 with pinterest has been so much more then I ever expected. Having many of my pins being saved by other women means so much to me and is very exciting. It is so nice to see I like and enjoy many of the same pins as real women. It is showing me how much I do think as other women do.
I am Olivia Rose a sissygirl desperately though gladly working towards being more femme day by day!!
Making these pinboards and pinning pictures has been so much fun!! It has given my feminine side a huge boost!! I am very glad i found your blog and especially this post!
This was fun, I have a lot of other girls checking it out and they like it. I really enjoyed doing this, had lots of fun.
This was definitely a big step for me. As someone who is very much in the closet when it comes to my femininity desires.
This is the first time I have done something that others could see so was super exciting to get followers. Thanks so much for this step.
It’s the first time I like to use my smartphone that much. I almost can’t stop to look after new pretty decorations etc.
LisaKopowitch find me and show me your profile:)
Becoming “girly” is truly difficult at my age. Can I do it?