Welcome to step 27 of your journey where we will be looking at getting you feeling girly-fit.
That’s right, this time we will be looking at some workout options that will help you look and feel more feminine now that you have your cute, girly workout clothes to wear.
The Myth Of Unattainably Big Booty
Before we go any further, we need to deal with a big myth when it comes to workouts. Many girls think that they will look more feminine if they grow a big booty. The truth is that growing a bigger booty naturally is limited to very few women with the exact genetics.
Most of those who you see on the internet with perfect booties have done so with the help of implants. Depending on your outfit hip/booty enhancement pads might be an option for you.
Slimming Down And Building Thighs Is Attainable
If you have a few lbs to lose then riding a bicycle will be a far better option. Ride for at least 30 minutes, every day of the week with as much uphill riding as you possibly can.
It is hard work and it will take time, but the results are attainable. In a future step, we will be looking at how we can clean up your diet too.
You will shed the fat from your belly and build your thighs bigger. The combination will give you more curves and make more outfits look good on you.
I’m not saying that you shouldn’t do squats in the gym. I do squats because a toned booty looks better than a flabby booty. Trail running up steep hills tones my booty too.
However, you won’t get a big Kardashian-like massive booty naturally. It will take work, but it is possible to sculpt a more fit, femme body by working out.
Feminine Posture Is The Foundation Of Passing
Now that we have covered the booty myth and given you the option of cycling for weight loss and building your thighs, let’s discuss the types of workouts that will give you the maximum feminine benefit both in terms of posture and in terms of boosting your inner girly feelings.
A key element of feeling girly while you do your workout is making sure that you look girly as well. The good news is that you will have the new girly workout gear that you bought during step 26.
Essential Reading For Step 27
There is only one article for you to read to be able to complete step 27. However, it is an article that you will need to refer back to daily as it contains the 7 different girly workouts that you will need to try out over the course of two weeks.
Yes, that’s right. I said two weeks. I have set the time scale for step 27 at two weeks because it is such an important step for your girly development.
Your Task For Step 27
For the first week of your task, you will be required to choose one different workout from the list in the article above and complete that workout. Remember to wear your new outfit for your workouts.
After each workout, while sipping your water, you are to give the workout a rating out of 10 based on how girly you felt inside while doing the workout.
At the end of the first week, you are to sit down with your list of 7 workouts that you did over the past week and sort them into order, listing them from the one that made you feel the girliest while you were doing it down to the one that made you feel the least girly.
From your list select only the top 3 most girly feeling workouts. These will be your workouts for week two.
Your second week will again be one workout per day. Days 1, 4, and 7 will be the most girly-feeling workout. Days 2 and 5 will be the second most girly-feeling workout. Days 3 and 6 will be the third most girly-feeling workout.
Don’t forget to hand-wash your girly gym outfit regularly as a lady does not put on a stinky outfit when she gets ready for her workout.
I trust that by the end of the task you will be able to select at least 2 different workouts to do every week from now on to build your feminine confidence to the point where you can take an actual workout class one day.
Additional Reading
Just like while you were completing step 26, you will be required to read at least one additional Pink Femme post each day. That way you can continually grow your feminine knowledge.
Here are the article categories again:
Minimum Requirement For Completion
Your minimum requirements for completing step 27 will be to do one girly workout every day for two weeks, wearing your girly workout clothes each time.
Once you get to the end of two whole weeks of doing a girly workout every single day you will be allowed to mark this step as complete.
Consequences Of Not Meeting The Minimum Requirements
Because step 27 is so important for your feminine development the consequences of not completing the task will be more severe.
If you skip just a single workout you will be required to start step 27 again, even if your slip-up comes on day 14.
The second time you miss a workout will put you all the way back to step 24 of the program.
Be sure to come back and comment on how completing these tasks felt. How did you feel doing your girly workouts? Did your opinion change about what was your most girly-feeling workout over the two weeks progressed?
Once you have finished this step, click here to move on to the next step. You can also click here to go to the 40 Steps to Femme course list.
Love this, but do wish you’d drop the term “passing” in favor of “blending in.” I don’t think many of us are trying to pass ourselves off as something we’re not. Rather, we’re trying to fit in with other women.
I enjoyed this article and the choices of fitness methods. I especially ejiyed the belly dance and burlesque methods as they are the most feminine. Only wish that the heels came earlier as burlesque seems to be taught in heels
Love the whole series so far.
Its wonderfull how feminine I am since I began to follow your Tips !
IM in Love with my body,my skin, my thoughts, my hearth….. Thank you