Hi girls, you know how we like to talk about putting your best girly foot forward and stepping into your new more femme lifestyle. In order to do that you need to be taking care of your feet in a girly way. By the time you complete step 10, you will know exactly how to do that.
How to care for your feet like a girl? A girl who takes care of her feet will have soft and smooth skin because she takes the time to keep her feet moisturized daily.
The first part of your step 10 task will be to study the post that I wrote called “How to feminize your feet in 8 simple steps” and then come back here.
Have you studied how to feminize your feet yet darling? If not, go back and do it now.

Right girls, now for the details of how to complete this task.
You will treat your feet as explained in the 8 simple steps every third day. That will prevent you from too much exfoliating which can cause problems. In addition, you will moisturize your feet with lotion after every bath or shower. Are we clear about that darlings?
You may mark this task as complete after you have completed your fourth foot treatment. However, remember that treating your feet once a week after that will always be a part of how you stay girly.

Remember to comment below and tell us how it feels to have soft, smooth and feminine feet.
Once you have finished this step, click here to move on to the next step. You can also click here to go to the 40 Steps to Femme course list.
This is now part of my weekly beauty regime. I love having soft, smooth feminine feet and adore the way they look and feel now x
I just love how feminine my feet look and feel, because of how good I take care of them especially after painting my toenails. It really makes my feet and sexy high heels complement each other so wonderful and femininely, after all what girl wants to ruin the sexy feminine look their sexy feminine legs and feet and a sexy pair of heels with manly feet? Not this girl.
Love your sight and helpful hints for being pretty and girly.
Love your site and helpful hints for being pretty and girly.
I wish that this step had come before step 7, it might have saved my tights. After having my feet pampered at a salon I have booked for more pampering.