I imagine that like me with my marathon runner build, many of you girls are flat-chested as well.
Most days, I actually really don’t mind my small chest. It’s nice to be able to get away with wearing bralettes (or nothing). I am able to enjoy working out without bouncing and back pain.
However, sometimes I see photos of girls with fabulous cleavage and think to myself “I want some of that too!”
All of us have some part of us that we want to change. Sometimes I feel that desiring changes is a key part of being a girl, right?
During the summer UPBRA (not an affiliate) reached out and offered me a chance to try one of their bras. To say I was skeptical would be an understatement.

This bra company was promising me the ultimate cleavage, no matter how flat I was. Back in college, I just about lived in sports bras – the kind that has the pockets that hold breast forms. I seriously doubted that there was any possibility that this one bra would be able to pull it off.

So, I put on the bra and adjusted the straps inside for my desired level of cleavage and push-up. all of a sudden I saw boobs in the mirror. They appeared literally from nowhere.
I personally felt a bit like an imposter. To me, they looked a bit unnatural, but that’s because I know the real me. To an outsider, it probably looked totally normal