Reading Between the Lines

Thank you so much for the love you showed to the first bookish blog post that I added to Pink Femme a couple of weeks ago. The previous blog post I told you about Trails of the Heart. This first season of the Cedar Ridge Series and will consist of 8 novellas in this first series.

The second book in the series is called Reading Between The Lines and this blog post is dedicated to that.

As I mentioned in the first article, writing these romance stories has formed part of my healing process after the sudden and unexpected death of my life partner. Each of the books looks at overcoming different emotional challenges – something that we can all relate to.

These books are all for you if the idea of a transgender central character who is not exploited in any way and rather respected for who she is as a person on the inside.

I’ve set the price of the Kindle versions of the book really cheaply so I encourage all of you to read a copy and gift a copy to anyone you know who enjoys reading sweet romance. You can find Reading Between the Lines on Amazon by clicking this link.

Once you have read the book, I’d really appreciate it if you could leave me a review on Amazon as they only start taking a book seriously once it has had 15 reviews. This link will take you to the Reviews Page for Reading Between the Lines.

Lastly, if you want to see what the remaining books are about in the series, I’ve created a books page here on Pink Femme with information about each story as well as when to expect each story to be published.

Finally, here is the opening chapter for Reading Between the Lines so that you can get a feeling for what to expect.

Chapter 1:

The area of the park near the Gazebo is my sanctuary, especially after a refreshing spring rain. Each step I take on the damp pavement seems to wash away the weight of my worries, replaced by the crisp scent of wet grass and the soothing sound of droplets falling from the leaves. The world feels new, reborn, like maybe I could be too.

I inhale deeply, letting the cool, fresh air fill my lungs. My sneakers squish slightly on the wet path, and I smile at the childlike delight of it. The trees around me glisten with leftover raindrops, each one catching the faint light and sparkling like tiny diamonds. It’s in these moments that I can almost forget the tangled mess of my emotions.

Ahead, I spot a familiar figure. Mia Campbell, her vibrant energy shining even on a cloudy day. Her presence is like a burst of sunshine, and despite my initial hesitation, I quicken my pace to catch up with her. She’s engaged to Alex now, a fact that’s bittersweet for me. I’m happy for her, truly, but it’s also a reminder of my own complicated feelings and the love life that’s perpetually on hold.

“Hey, Lilly!” Mia calls out, her smile radiant as always. “Fancy meeting you here.”

“Hey, Mia.” I return her smile, falling into step beside her. “I was just taking a walk, enjoying the post-rain atmosphere. It’s so peaceful.”

Mia nods, her eyes reflecting understanding and empathy. “I know what you mean. There’s something magical about the park after a good rain, isn’t there? It’s like the world is fresh and clean again.”

I glance around, taking in the lush greenery and the faint mist rising from the ground. “Yeah, it really is. Everything looks so alive.”

Mia laughs softly. “I’ve always thought so too. Alex and I were just talking about how much we love it here. Speaking of which, how are you doing?”

The question catches me off guard. “Oh, you know, same old. Work’s been busy. And I’ve been helping with the Spring Festival planning.”

“Still enjoying that?” Mia asks, her tone casual but her eyes sharp, always picking up on the subtleties.

“I do,” I say, but my voice lacks conviction. “It’s just… sometimes it feels like I’m stuck, you know? Like everyone else is moving forward, and I’m just here, treading water.”

Mia stops walking and turns to face me, her expression serious. “Lilly, you’re doing amazing things. Don’t sell yourself short. And don’t think for a second that you’re stuck.”

I look down at my feet, the wet pavement reflecting a distorted version of myself. “Thanks, Mia. It’s just hard sometimes, seeing you and Alex so happy. Makes me wonder if I’ll ever find that for myself.”

She squeezes my arm gently. “You will, Lilly. You just have to be open to it. Maybe it’s closer than you think.”

I nod, trying to absorb her optimism. “Maybe.”

We continue walking, the silence between us comfortable. I’m grateful for Mia’s presence, her unwavering support. As we approach the gazebo, I see the bench where we’ve spent countless hours talking about everything and nothing. It’s a good spot to sit and clear my head, but today, I just want to keep moving.

“So,” Mia says, breaking the silence, “any plans for the rest of the day?”

“Not really,” I admit. “Might stop by Harmony Brews later. Vivian always knows how to make a mean hot chocolate.”

Mia grins. “Sounds like a plan. Maybe I’ll join you. I could use a break from wedding planning.”

We continue our stroll together, the easy rhythm of our conversation weaving around us like a comforting blanket. With Mia by my side, the weight of my worries seems to lighten, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and support. The park feels different now, not just a place but a sanctuary where friendship blooms and troubles fade into the background.

“So, how’s the wedding planning really going?” I ask, genuinely curious. Mia has always been the organized one, but even she must be feeling the pressure.

Mia sighs, a small smile playing on her lips. “It’s a lot, honestly. Alex is great, but he’s more of a ‘big picture’ guy. Details? Not so much.”

I chuckle. “Sounds about right. But you’re handling it like a pro, I’m sure.”

She laughs, a light, tinkling sound that blends with the rustling leaves. “I try. Sometimes I feel like I’m herding cats, though. There’s just so much to consider—flowers, catering, guest lists. And then there’s the dress, which I’m supposed to magically know is ‘the one’ the moment I see it.”

I smile, imagining Mia trying on gowns, her face a mix of excitement and exasperation. “Well, if anyone can pull it off, it’s you. And remember, it’s your day. Don’t let anyone pressure you into something that doesn’t feel right.”

Mia nods, her expression softening. “Thanks, Lilly. That means a lot coming from you. You’ve always been my rock, you know that?”

Her words warm my heart. “I’ll always be here for you, Mia. No matter what.”

We walk in silence for a moment, the quiet companionship soothing. The path curves around a small pond, where ducks paddle lazily, leaving ripples in their wake. The sky above is a patchwork of grey clouds and pale blue, the aftermath of the rain creating a serene, almost ethereal atmosphere.

“Do you ever think about the future?” Mia asks suddenly, her tone contemplative.

I glance at her, surprised by the question. “All the time. It’s hard not to, especially with everyone around me moving forward.”

Mia stops walking and turns to face me, her gaze piercing. “You know, it’s okay to not have everything figured out. Life isn’t a race, and you don’t have to follow anyone else’s timeline.”

Her words hit home, stirring a mix of emotions. “I know. It’s just… sometimes it feels like I’m standing still while everyone else is speeding ahead.”

Mia places a hand on my shoulder, her touch grounding. “You’re not standing still, Lilly. You’re finding your way, and that’s okay. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”

I take a deep breath, trying to absorb her encouragement. “Thanks, Mia. I guess I just need to remind myself of that sometimes.”

We resume our walk, the path ahead winding through a grove of blossoming cherry trees. Their petals, soft pink and white, flutter down like confetti, creating a whimsical canopy above us.

“You know,” Mia says, her voice thoughtful, “I’ve always admired your strength. You have this incredible ability to make people feel seen and heard. Don’t underestimate how special that is.”

I smile, touched by her words. “I don’t know what I’d do without you, Mia. You’ve always believed in me, even when I didn’t believe in myself.”

“That’s what friends are for,” she replies, her smile radiant. “And speaking of believing, have you thought about what you really want? Not what you think you should want, but what you truly desire?”

The question lingers in the air, heavy with significance. “I think… I think I want to find my own path. To do something that makes me happy, regardless of what others think.”

Mia’s eyes light up with approval. “That’s the spirit. And you will, Lilly. I have no doubt about it.”

As we near the edge of the park, the sound of distant laughter and the faint aroma of freshly brewed coffee drift towards us. Harmony Brews is just around the corner, a cozy haven that always welcomes us with open arms.

“Shall we?” Mia asks, nodding towards the café.

“Absolutely,” I reply, feeling a surge of gratitude for this moment, this friendship. No matter what challenges lie ahead, I know I won’t face them alone. I just want to swing by my place quickly and pick up a sweater.

Reading Between the Lines: available on Amazon now.

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I stay in shape by trail running. When I am not writing posts to help you be as feminine as you can be, I work as a therapist.

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