If I had a penny for every time I have uttered the words: “It’s been so long since…”
I know that many of you feel the same way. We all have those times when life seems to conspire against our deepest desires to be as girly as we desire.
For me, at the moment it is a case of wanting to put some more time into publishing posts here on Pink Femme for all you girls. I have 3 beauty posts outlined as well as something on fashion and a mental health post too. Then, there are the remaining steps of the 40-step program that I so want to have finished for you.
How about this? Every day I will do something that brings me closer to getting more Pink Femme content for you to read. However, you need to Pink-Pledge that you will do something every day that helps you feel girly on the inside. When you do that you will be inspiring me to keep writing new content. How about it… Deal? Hugs.
One thing before we continue: It is thanks to fabulous people like you that Pink Femme can stay free for everyone to use. We are an Amazon.com affiliate which means that we receive a small commission on any items you purchase after clicking our affiliate links – at no cost to you. The commissions we receive help us pay for web hosting fees and other costs associated with running this website. Thank you for using the affiliate links on Pink Femme and keeping the content free for anyone who wants it.
This post was created by the talented Candie Hart and originally appeared on her Tumblr blog. It is reproduced here with her kind permission. Be sure to check out more about Candie at the end of the post and give her some Pink Femme love.
It’s been so freaking long since I have actually written a blog. Yes, the captions keep rolling, most times re-shares, sometimes new shares. But it feels like forever since I’ve written anything. Sometimes, like now, I like to take an older caption and reflect on it. So, that’s what you get today. lol.
Every day feels like a guise. I keep up the charade of being some kind of alpha male portraying himself to the approving masses as some kind of force or stance of what it means to be manly. Blah! No matter how manly I might appear to be, I’m such a girly at heart. My mind, heart, and being is so “not male” (at least by society’s standards). I just want to be feminine! I need it, want it, crave it. I don’t mind being “male”. I just want to be girly. Is that so wrong?! Of course not.
Anyway, that’s kind of the course of this life for me. Likely, for you too. Pretending to be all male while loving everything about girliness. I know I’m not alone. You very special people have proven that to me. So, I feel like sharing just a small piece of advice: No matter how much you struggle through the complications of living a life that is not entirely representative of who you are, please be mindful that who you are, feminine or not, is so much more important than what people outside of your thoughts (that’s everybody) thinks about you. I love you, my girly friends. You’re so very special to me.
Candie is an enthusiast for all things fit and femme. All of her very creative captions carry the same positive, motivating ethos that I envisioned for Pink Femme when I started this site. Use this link to go to Candie’s blog on Tumblr and give her captions some much-needed love.
If you would like to see more of Candie’s longer-form content with captions here on Pink Femme – here is the link to the list of posts that have been published.
If you are new to Pink Femme, be sure to check out the unique 40 Steps To Femme program that will help you to feel more girly one delicate step at a time.
I think I pink pledged long ago. I’m looking forward to reading the new articles and becoming more of a femme. Thank you for putting all the work into this incredible labor of love. I wish I had been able to read it more decades ago than I like to admit.