Maintaining your modesty while drying off after a bath or shower can be cumbersome. Your hands are occupied by trying to dry yourself and hold up a towel.
Instead, using a towel as an after-bath wrap or a beach cover-up is an excellent way to dry off and remain modest at the same time. Wrapping a towel around your body will also keep the towel in place without the use of your hands.
This allows you to do other things in which one or both hands would be necessary such as apply lotion, moisturizer or sort out your wet hair.
Selecting The Right Size Towel
You will need a towel that is large enough to wrap completely around your body. A standard sized bath towel is suitable for really slender girls. Larger girls may need a beach towel or a bath sheet.
The width of your towel should cover the area from the bust line or underarms to between knees and mid-thigh.
Before You Start
Dry your body so you don’t drip water all over the place.
After getting out of the bath or shower, quickly pat dry the very wet areas of your body. This is usually your torso legs and arms.
If you are not using a towel turban for your wet hair then part-dry your hair as well. Click here to learn how to do a towel turban so that you can dry your hair faster.
You want to be moderately dry before wrapping a towel around you. This is so you can actively do things and continue your beauty routine, moving around without tracking water all over the floor.
Start With Your Towel Held Horizontal Behind Your Back
Grasp the towel so that you have a corner in each hand and so that it is positioned horizontally, in front of you. By this, I mean that you hold the towel up by the corners lengthwise.
A horizontal towel will give you the maximum surface area of your towel to wrap around your body.
Either lower the towel and step over it or flip the towel over your head.
I find it easier to step over the towel in my bathroom as it avoids be knocking over beauty products with the towel. Trust me, smashing a bottle of my favorite perfume on the bathroom floor when I am in a rush to get ready for work taught me to always step over my towel.
Your towel should now be covering your back and buttocks. Center the towel so that equal lengths of material are on each side of your body.
Wrap Your Towel
Using either your left or right hand, bring one corner of the towel across the front of your body to the opposite side.
For example, bring the left corner of the towel across the front of your body to the right side or vice versa.
Make sure this first part of the towel wrapping process is tight across your body or the towel will fall down.
I am right-handed so I use my right hand to pull this first part of the towel-wrap extra tight.
Hold this corner in position with your hand. Then, while your hand is holding the first corner of the towel, bring the other corner of the towel across the front of your body to the opposite side.
Tuck Your Towel
Once you have pulled both corners to the opposite sides of your body, tuck the second corner into the top horizontal edge of the towel wrapping, fitting the corner between your body and the towel.
Make sure you tuck in a large enough portion of the towel corner so your towel is more secure.
Be careful if you have long nails that you don’t scratch your breast or break a nail.
I like to use a towel that is big enough so that I can tuck the end of the towel under my armpit when I do the first part of the wrap. That way I can use both hands to tuck the second corner into the top band of towel.
The tighter the first part of your towel wrapping is, the more secure your towel wrap will be.
Another option is twisting the second corner and tucking the twisted portion into the top edge of the towel. The twisted portion may secure the towel even further if you twist the corner the right way. Practice this a bit first.
A friend of mine that was sharing a house with a group of guys used a giant safety pin to keep the corner of the towel tightly tucked and in place. That way she felt confident that her towel would remain in place while walking from the shower to her room.
Use Your Towel Wrap At The Beach Or Pool After Swimming
Using your new skill of doing a towel wrap doesn’t have to be limited to the bath or shower.
It is also great for when you get out of the water when you have been swimming, both in the pool or at the beach.
I generally use the towel wrap around the pool. It stops my wet swimsuit dripping all over the place. That is especially useful when I head inside for something cool to drink.
At the beach, I always use a Turkish Towel as it gives me more options including being able to change out of my swimsuit and put my panties on without the risk of my towel falling off.
How To Wear A Turkish Towel As A Sarong
As I mentioned, I always have a Turkish towel with me when I go to the beach. They are perfect for wearing as a sarong over my swimsuit.
However, instead of a standard sarong tied around my waist, I use my towel-wrap skills to create a much more elegant look as my beach cover-up.
The Halter Dress
The wearing my Turkish towel as a halter dress frees both my hands to be able to easily change my bikini bottoms for regular panties and keep my modesty.

Some beachfront cafes have regulations that prevent you from going there in your swimsuit, even with a sarong around your waist. I have never had any problems with my impromptu halter dress at any beachfront cafe.
Here is how I tie my Turkish towel as a halter dress:
- Start with your Turkish towel around your back. Make sure that you hold it lengthways in the same way as you start your towel-wrap.
- Cross the two corners in front of you. You can go right over left or left over right. Once you have crossed the corners in front of you, bring them up and around your neck. I find it easier to switch hands while I do this. In other words, I transfer the left corner to my right hand and the right corner to my left hand as I cross them over in front of me.
- Tie two corners together behind your neck to complete the halter dress look.
There is no reason at all why you can’t look elegant in your swimsuit cover-up.
Was genuinely surprised at how feminine it made me feel by wrapping myself up in a towel in the way set out above.
I have been trying to learn how to do this for years.
Thank you hun
Hi I’m Samantha I’ve been doing this for years it’s just I used to towels one to wrap around my body and one around my hair.
I am giddy with glee now that I have budding bosoms, and I can tuck the end in between and it stays!