There is nothing that flaunts girliness more than a voluminous high ponytail bouncing as you walk or jog down the street.
The good news is ponytail extensions give you a shortcut so that you can skip the months of a sad-looking, limp ponytail as your hair begins to grow out.
The Benefits Of Ponytail Extensions
You can transfer your third-day hair into date night condition in a matter of minutes without needing to take out the massive amount of time you will need to wash, condition, and blowdry your hair into something you would feel good flaunting.
You can get a longer, fuller, and bouncier ponytail before your natural hair is fully grown out.
You suddenly have so many more hair styling opportunities available once you have your ponytail extensions. You can do a braid, you can do a high ponytail or low ponytail. You can even try various types of updo hairstyles as well.
How To Do Your Ponytail With Extensions
Select a ponytail extension in the length you prefer, making sure that the color and texture closely match your own hair.
Put your hair into a ponytail and make it higher on your head than where you want your ponytail to be at the endof the process. That is simply because the weight of your ponytail extension will pull your ponytail slightly lower down your head once you’ve finished attaching it.
Secure your ponytail close against your head with a hair tie or elastic.
Be sure to use gel or spray to control wispy “flyaways” or shorter hair around your face or nape of your neck that either can’t make it to your elastic may escape the hair tie.
Next up you want to do is brush out your hair extension. You want to do this before attaching your ponytail so that, primarily, if you brush gets hooked into any tangles in your ponytail extension it doesn’t pull the ponytail extension out of your hair.
If that happens there is obviously the real risk that you could pull some of your actual hair out with it which is not only a painful experience but will make the process of growing out your own hair take that much longer.
Once you have brushed out you ponytail extension you will want to secure your ponytail extension.
You do this by sliding the comb that is part of your extension under your hair tie at the top of your existing ponytail then wrap the remainder of the hair extension around the base of your ponytail.
Some extensions have a velcro strip closure while others have a drawstring to secure the ponytail extension in place. If yours has neither, then use a bobby pin or two. What will happen at the end is your ponytail will be inside a tube that is formed by the ponytail extension that you’ve wrapped around it.
You will now want to cover the base of your ponytail extension so that the attachment is not visible. One clever way that you can do is to take a strand of your extension and wrap it tightly around the base of your ponytail. That will hide any joins under the extension’s hair color. Once you’ve done that secure that length that you wrapped around with a bobby pin or two.
Your final step in the process will be what I call the shake and style.
What you do is once you’ve finished attaching your ponytail extension is move your head around. Then shake your head to flick your ponytail from side to side just to make sure that it is nice and secure.
Also, be sure to check in the mirror to see if you have your ponytail in the middle of the back of your head as opposed to slightly toward one side. This is especially important if you are new to making ponytails.
The easiest way to style your ponytail is to put a colorful scrunchie around the base of your ponytail.
You can also practice braiding your ponytail. Be careful if you have a very expensive ponytail extension made of natural hair as braiding can damage the hair strands.
For me, the high ponytail that bounces and flicks as you walk looks ultra-feminine.
Two Beginner Style Variations To Try
Low Ponytail
Something that you will soon discover is that a high ponytail can be uncomfortable when you are driving as you will feel a lump between your head and the headrest of the car seat. The same applies to airline seats.
Your option will be to make your ponytail lower, so it hangs down the nape of your neck. This is more comfortable in a car or airline seat.
I also use a low ponytail for cycling so I can wear my bike helmet properly.
The Bun Updo
The bun updo is a fun and elegant style that you can do with your ponytail extension.
You start with a normal high ponytail. Split the ponytail into two equal parts twist each of those parts into two long twists.
Once you have your two long twists of equal thickness, wrap them around each other so that you have a rope braid.
Finally, wrap your rope braid around the base of your ponytail extending outward until you get to the end, and then secure the bun in place with all of the bobby pins that you can possibly find.
How To Try Out A Ponytail If Your Hair Is Short
The problem with ponytail extensions is that you need to have hair that is at least long enough to be able to tie into a short ponytail.
If your hair is still short, I have found a solution that you can try so that you can get to feel what having a ponytail is like. Better yet, there are two different options to this solution depending on your budget.
The idea is to create a ponytail that you can combine with a baseball cap in summer or a beanie in winter that is easy to pot on and will give you the feel of having a ponytail even if your natural hair is still way too short.
The first is something called a headband ponytail that is produced by a company called Headcovers. Headcovers made a name for themselves by providing hairpieces for women who are undergoing chemotherapy. The headband ponytail also has a cute side bang that hangs in front of your one ear.

The idea of the headband ponytail is that you combine it with a baseball cap or beanie that will cover the rest of your hair.
When it comes to the choice of a baseball cap or beanie it is important that you choose one that is as cute and girly as your ponytail.
Here is the cutest baseball cap that I could find for you on Amazon. You can’t go wrong with pink glitter stars when you want to look as girly as possible.
If it is wintertime and you want to try out your new ponytail then pair it up with this cute pink knitted beanie from Amazon that has a hole for your ponytail to poke through.
If you are not able to get the headband ponytail that I mentioned earlier, a viable alternative is a halo hair extension (available on Amazon). Besides being able to scoop the hair of your halo extension back and up into a ponytail using the cap and beanie I’ve just mentioned, you also have the choice of leaving the hair from the extension hanging loose from under your baseball cap or beanie.
Last, but by no means least, if you want to give the feeling of having a ponytail a try, then the wig hat visor (available on Amazon) will be your option if you are restricted by your budget. It will give you the feeling of having a high bouncy ponytail, though without the versatility of the other options.
With your new ponytail in place, there is nothing stopping you fro strutting your stuff and immersing yourself in the feminine feeling of your high ponytail bouncing along as you walk. Feel it flick from side to side as you move your head.
That’s what it’s like to be as girly as possible when you’re being sporty. Be that jogging or hiking even have your ponytail extension as something that sticks out from the back of your bike helmet flopping in the breeze as you move.
The important thing is that you go out and have fun with your new ponytail and feel as girly as you possibly can be as often as you possibly can.
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