How To Trim Your Eyebrows

At the best of times, eyebrow maintenance can feel intimidating, especially for a beginner. There is the real fear of ending up with uneven or perhaps overplucked brows.

How to trim your eyebrows?

  • To trim your brows use a brow comb or spoolie to brush your brows up toward your hairline.
  • Trim wayward hairs back in line with the upper brow line using brow scissors.
  • Brush your brows back into their position like you would if you were doing your makeup.
  • Check carefully for any remaining wayward hairs and trim those as well.

Let’s take a closer look at the tools you will need to trim your brows and an easy step-by-step guide to getting the job done beautifully every time.

Do You Need To Trim Your Eyebrows

Before we go into the details of exactly how to trim your eyebrows, let’s answer the obvious question of whether it’s even necessary to do so. The short answer to that question is yes, absolutely.

Trimming your brows will not only give you a more overall polished appearance but it will also help keep your brows neat and tidy between regular shaping sessions irrespective of(whether you tweeze your brows yourself or get them waxed at a salon.

The occasional trim will also help prevent stray eyebrow hairs from sticking up in random directions during the day. None of us want that. Trimming my brows is vital. If I go for a run or a bike ride on a windy day it seems as if my brows continue misbehaving for hours afterward.

How Often Should You Trim Your Eyebrows?

In general, I trim my brows about once per week. You should aim to do the same.

However, if you have an event coming up or maybe an interview where you want to make a good impression, you may want to treat your eyebrows to a quick trim beforehand.

Conversely, if your goal is to grow your eyebrows, you can leave about two to three weeks between trimming sessions. Even though you may be growing out your brows, there is no need for them to be untidy.

How To Trim Your Eyebrows

Now that we have the basics covered, here is a very easy five-step tutorial. Before you can start trimming you need three things to get the job done. This is what you’ll need:

To make life even easier, here is a whole eyebrow kit that I found for you on Amazon that includes all you will need for both trimming and tweezing your brows.

Get the look you want by following these five simple steps:

Comb Your Eyebrows

The first thing that you need to do is use your eyebrow comb to brush the front area of your eyebrows upward toward your hairline. This will allow you to easily see which hairs have become longer than others. The reason that you are trimming your brows is to tame those eyebrow hairs that are longer than the others.

Trim The Long Hairs

Closely examine the hairs you brushed up. See which hairs still tend to fall in line with the top of your eyebrow and which ones extend out in length beyond the top of your brow.

Use your pair of angled eyebrow scissors to carefully trim any hairs that are extending above your brow-line outstanding hairs, bringing them back in line with the top of your brow.

It is important to remember that you can always trim some hairs a little more later, but you can’t put any hairs back if you have cut away too much. So, take your time and trim little by little, especially if you’re nervous or are trimming your eyebrows for the first time.

Repeat The Process As You Work Across Each Brow

Now that you know what to do you can move across to the mid-section of your eyebrows. Brush the hairs upward once again and trim where necessary.

Once you have trimmed the mid-section, do the same comb and trim technique on the tail of your eyebrows.

Brush Your Eyebrows

Use your spoolie to brush your brows in the direction that you would shape them. This will give you a better idea of how your newly trimmed brow hairs will fall normally on each brow.

If you notice any wayward hairs that are still out of place, use your eyebrow scissors to carefully trim those as well.

If you don’t have a spoolie then a clean mascara brush can also work. Just double-check that the mascara brush is really clean before you start.

Brush Your Brows In Other Directions

You started by brushing your eyebrow hairs upward to easily see which long, unruly hairs need to be trimmed.

During this process, one or two longer hairs may have gotten caught behind other hairs just waiting for a touch of breeze to expose them and ruin your carefully cultivated look. So, brushing them downward is also important when trimming your brows. This will ensure that no stray lengthy hair is left untrimmed.

Why not expand your knowledge even further by reading another makeup/beauty article here on Pink Femme. You can find them either via the menu at the top of the page or by clicking this link that will take you to the list of all the beauty articles.


I stay in shape by trail running. When I am not writing posts to help you be as feminine as you can be, I work as a therapist.

2 thoughts on “How To Trim Your Eyebrows

  1. Pingback: How to Do Your Own Eyebrows | PinkFemme

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