How To Stand Using The Model’s T-Stance

In modeling, there is a way of standing called the T-stance. It is essentially the same as Pretty Feet in the pageant world. Get this right and you will be able to stand in an elegant way for much longer.

The T-Stance or Pretty Feet is a pose where you stand one foot behind the other. Your front foot faces forward while your back foot angles at 45 degrees. The arch of your back foot is behind the heel of your front foot. This T-shape gives you stability in heels and makes your legs more slender.

Now that you know what the model’s T-stance is, let’s learn how to do it in a step-by-step way.

Get In Balance First

Start by standing up straight with your feet together. Don’t start shifting your feet until you are comfortably in good balance with your weight distributed across the heels and balls of both feet.

Slide One Foot Back Till Your Instep Is Level With Your Other Heel

Slide your left foot back until the middle of your left instep is in line with the back edge of your right heel.

Turn Your Foot Out To 45 Degrees

Keep your right foot pointed straight ahead. Turn your left foot to point off to the left at a 45-degree angle.

This is also called the 10 o’clock position. Imagine that you are standing on the face of a clock with your right foot pointing to the 12 and your left foot pointing to the 10.

Bring Your Back Foot Behind The Heel Of Your Front Foot

For a more advanced version of the stance, bring your back foot further around behind your front foot so that your instep is completely behind the heel of your front foot, though still at 45 degrees.

You will see that your back foot overlaps the heel of your front foot. Your left heel will actually be a little to the right of your right heel, creating a more pronounced T-shape.

Note, this is more advanced and something you will progress toward rather than getting perfect on the first try.

Slightly Bent Knees For Better Balance

Keep your knees slightly bent rather than locked out tightly straight. I don’t mean standing with noticeably bent knees. Bend your knees the barest minimum to be able to take your weight on your leg muscles rather than through your locked out knee joints.

That way you can adjust your balance using your thigh muscles rather than toppling and stumbling out of your stance.

Another tip for girls that are new to standing in the T-stance is to place your back foot a little further behind your front foot, creating a little bit of space between your feet. Although not completely ideal, it will help you to stand with good balance right from the beginning. As you become more proficient with the stance you can bring your feet closer together.

Position Your Hips And Shoulders Correctly

Now that your feet are in position, turn your hips 45 degrees to face the same direction as your back (left) foot.

Keep your shoulders facing forward in the same direction as your front (right) foot.

Position Your Shoulders And Arms Elegantly

Roll your shoulders back and down away from your ears.

When getting their feet and hips into position, many girls will be looking down at their feet. Looking at your feet hunches your shoulders forward. Your concentration level can also bring tension to your shoulders.

Both of these can spoil the relaxed elegance that you want to show while standing. I find that simply by rolling my shoulders back and down I get into the habit of standing tall with a straight back and neck while keeping my neck and shoulders relaxed.

This is especially important when wearing an outfit that has a wide neckline or off the shoulder as your exposed shoulders can show any tension that you have instantly.

Your arms should be relaxed at your sides with the inside of your elbows facing forward. You will likely notice that by standing like this your hands will hang away from your thighs. This is perfect as it will make your hips look a little wider.

Take the time to watch a few video clips from the Miss World and Miss Universe pageants and see how the girls stand tall and elegant with their pretty feet, T-stance poses.

Remember to keep your pretty posture with a tall straight back and engaged core.

Your model’s T-stance is perfect for photos when you want to present a feminine silhouette.

When you practice, be sure to practice this to both sides. Alternate which foot is forward or back. You want to be able to remain poised and elegant even when standing for a long time at a cocktail party or networking event.

You will have your preferred way of standing that is more comfortable, be it with left or right foot forward. Knowing how to do both gives you an alternative to being able to change your stance and remain elegant if your legs begin to feel tired.


I stay in shape by trail running. When I am not writing posts to help you be as feminine as you can be, I work as a therapist.

3 thoughts on “How To Stand Using The Model’s T-Stance

  1. Pingback: Proper Feminine Posture While Standing | PinkFemme
  2. Pingback: Step Twenty: Learn To Pose/Stand Like A Lady | PinkFemme
  3. Thank you so much on how the Models T-Stance was explain. I want to train for a Fashion Show and I want every one to have the same understanding on how to do a T-Stance.

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