Like we mentioned in step 12 of the 40-steps program, an elegant young lady will have a neat and tidy living environment. How you live will be reflected in how you carry yourself in public. Dressing in a way that looks as if you have crawled out of the laundry hamper backward is not feminine. I expect more from Pink Femme girls.
The way to ensure that you always look elegantly dressed is to fold your clothes neatly. This article will help you to fold your clothes neatly. That will create a neat closet and will help your room feel feminine too. Keep reading till the end, I have a life hack for you girls that will save a ton of ironing (my pet peeve).
How to fold your clothes neatly, like a girl?
- Folding board method: T-shirts, strappy tops and polo shirts.
- Draped Fold: Untailored shirts and long-sleeved sweaters.
- Flat Fold: Untailored shirts and long-sleeved polo shirts
- Creased Fold: business, smart and formal slacks.
- Smooth Fold: Informal pants and jeans.
We’ll start with T-shirts are often one of the least organized items in most girls’ closets. We all have so many, but so few of us know how to store them neatly. Just getting your T-shirts neatly sorted will already make a massive difference to how net your whole closet is.
Plus, once you’ve found out the best way to fold t-shirts, check out our advice on how to fold strappy tops, untailored shirts, slacks, and pants. Your closet will be organized neat and elegant like the girl you are developing into.
How To Fold A T-Shirt
The folding board method:
- Lay the T-shirt face down and flat. Place the folding board near the collar and center between the shoulders.
- Flip one side of the T-shirt and sleeve against the board.
- Now, repeat the step on the other side and smooth out any wrinkles.
- Fold the bottom of the shirt up, so it’s tight and snug against the bottom edge of the folding board.
- Flip the T-shirt right side up, then slip the board out from behind.
How To Fold A Strappy Top
Fold your strappy tops using the same folding board method that you used to fold your T-shirts.
Except that when you have finished folding your strappy top, the delicate straps will still be dangling out. Just tuck the straps away in the space where the folding board was just before you pack them away in your closet.

How to Fold Untailored Shirts
Now that you know how to fold t-shirts and strappy tops your closet should be looking a lot neater already. Now, it’s time to find out how to fold the rest of your clothes. Choose one of these methods for folding untailored shirts based on which works best for you and your space. If you own any long sleeve polo shirts these same methods will work for those. Use the draped fold for your sweaters.
The draped fold:
- Fasten buttons and closures.
- Hold the shirt by the shoulder seams near the neck seam with the front, facing toward you.
- Fold the sleeves and sides back so the sleeves meet in the middle of the back.
- Drape the sleeves so they lie flat along folded edges.
- Fold the garment from the top to bottom either in half or thirds, depending on the desired finished shape.
The flat fold:
- Place the shirt front down on a bed or tabletop.
- Smooth wrinkles by gently pulling at the seams, making the shirt slightly taut.
- Fold each side in along a line at the outer edge of the collar or neckband, toward the center.
- Smooth the sleeves.
- Fold in half by bringing the bottom edge to the neck or collar.
- If you struggle with the flat fold at first, use the same folding board that you used for your T-shirts.
How to Fold Slacks or Pants
Use one of these folding methods to keep your slacks in ready-to-wear condition and your closet or drawers orderly. That way you will always look elegant in your crease/crinkle-free slacks. Whenever I am ironing my slacks I always iron them with the way I will be folding them in my mind.
The creased fold:
- Line up seams and hems to keep the creases crisp.
- Hold upside down by bottom hems; match inseams to the outer seams, keeping the crease sharp.
- Fold in half onto a pants hanger or in thirds to place in a drawer.
The smooth fold:
- Hold pants by the waistband, and shake them to smooth large folds.
- Lay pants on a flat surface with the seams on each leg parallel, pulling seams gently until slightly taut.
- Fold one pants leg over the other, matching and smoothing seams.
- Fold garment in thirds lengthwise to fit in a drawer or fold in half to drape over a hanger.
Time Saving Life Hack
When you take the washing down from the line on a warm day, and the clothing feels warm to the touch, immediately fold everything neatly as you take it down. Smooth each item of clothing down with your hands as you fold.
Nine times out of ten this will give you completely wrinkle-free dry laundry that won’t need any ironing. The same usually works when you fold laundry warm as it comes out of the dryer, though slightly less effective.
If you leave your dry laundry crumpled until it is cold you will give yourself a much more difficult task to iron out the wrinkles.