As makeup lovers, there are few things more tragic for us than destroying one of our go-to products. Whether you accidentally left a tube in your car in the midst of a heatwave or pressed a little too hard mid-application, broken or melted lipstick can easily ruin your day. Luckily you don’t have to mourn the loss of your favorite tube of the Colour Riche Shine Lipstick for long.
Let’s take a closer look at the precise steps you can follow to salvage lipstick that’s melted or broken. Get ready to rescue your favorite lipstick.
How To Fix Broken Lipstick
Did your lipstick break? I have you covered. Follow these simple steps below to fix your broken lipstick.

Step 1: Remove The Broken Piece
If the broken piece of lipstick hasn’t already fallen out of the tube, now’s the time to remove it. Swivel your lipstick all the way out of its tube and use gloved hands to remove the broken end.
Step 2: Smooth The Base
Use a cotton swab to smooth out any product left in the tube. A flattened base will be easier for your broken lipstick to adhere to.
Step 3: Melt The Bottom
Use a lighter and hold your lipstick piece over the flame to help soften up the broken end. Do the same with the remaining lipstick in the tube. Make sure not to burn your lipstick, the tube, or your hand in the process.
Step 4: Smooth The Broken Piece
Grab your cotton swab once again and smooth the edge of the broken lipstick piece. Remember, the flatter it is, the easier it’ll be to combine.
Step 5: Combine
Once both ends are softened, place them together. They should immediately start to melt into one another, but use your lighter to melt them further together if needed.
Step 6: Smooth Things Out
Since the mended parts of your lipstick are likely a little bumpy, use a toothpick to smooth out the edges for a good-as-new lipstick.
Step 7: Cool It Off
Swivel the lipstick back into its tube, then put it in the fridge for around 30 minutes to speed up the cooling process. Once cool, your broken lipstick will officially be whole once again!

How To Fix Melted Lipstick
So, what do you do if your lipstick melted? Don’t worry, you can salvage it. Here are a few steps to follow.
Step 1: Scrape Out Your Lipstick
First, you’ll want to remove your melted lipstick from its tube. Use a small knife or paperclip to do so, taking care to get as much out of the container as you can! You can also use the end of a makeup brush. Scoop it onto a paper towel to avoid making a mess.
Step 2: Melt It
Gather your lipstick pieces and place them on a metal spoon. Then, hold the spoon over a lit candle until your lipstick has completely melted to get rid of any bumps.
Step 3: Repackage
Pour your melted lipstick into a new container, like a lip balm container. Whatever container you use, make sure it seals completely to keep your lipstick fresh and from creating a mess.
Step 4: Let It Cool
Place your newly formed lipstick into the fridge for around 30 minutes to allow it to harden. Since you no longer have a bullet lipstick, you can use a lip brush to apply it!
Editor’s note: Have a broken lipstick that just won’t go back together? You can save it the same way you would a melted one.
Step 5: Repeat With Any Other Melted Lipsticks
Have more than one lipstick casualty? You don’t have to spend time mending each one. Rather, consider using them to create a DIY lipstick palette filled with all of your go-to shades! Want to learn how?
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When it comes to my choices for makeup and beauty products, I only use L’Oréal Paris (Available on Amazon). I have really sensitive skin and never once have I had any negative reaction to any L’Oréal product. Keep up to date with all my latest femme news with the fabulous Pink Femme Newsletter. Each Monday you’ll receive an email from me that will include a chapter from the novel that I am currently writing. I will also alert you to interesting information from articles that have not yet been published on Pink Femme. The Pink Femme Newsletter is the only place to see chapters from the novels before they are published. Sign up today: PINK FEMME NEWSLETTER.