How To Feminize Your Room 17 Essential Tips

One certain way that you can make your life feel more feminine is to feminize your room as much as you can. The good news is that you have options that are not only subtle but will cost you almost nothing.

How to feminize your room?

  1. Make your bed
  2. Sort your clothes
  3. Clear away any clutter
  4. Dusting
  5. Vacuum or sweep
  6. Softer lines
  7. Throw cushions
  8. A scented candle or aroma oil burner
  9. Vase and flowers
  10. Scatter rug
  11. Artwork
  12. Mirrors
  13. Lampshades
  14. Bedding
  15. Curtains
  16. Paint walls
  17. Dresser or vanity

Whether you want to still keep your femininity totally private, or you have no available budget or are able to give your room a complete makeover, there are options that you can do right now for a feminine room that is fit for the lady you are.

We’ll start with something you can do today, right now, to feminize your room. Sure, there are girls that have messy rooms but you won’t call them feminine young ladies. You are a lady and so your room will be neat.

If you live at home, your parents will hardly complain about your room if it is neat and tidy. Will they?

With that said, let’s get going on creating a room that you can feel feminine in.

1. Make Your Bed

If your bed is already made, strip it down to the mattress and remake your bed from scratch. As you make your bed you need to be thinking of how this is feminizing your bed and how girly it will feel to sleep in your feminine bed tonight. It might look the same, but you will know and feel how different it feels.

This is not a once-off event. An elegant young lady like you will make her bed every morning when she gets up. And not just pull the comforter over either. Make your bed properly so that every night you can sink down into your feminine space when you sleep.

2. Sort Your Clothes

Go to your closet and take a look. Is it neat and tidy? I know that it might not be full of the wonderfully femme clothes that you desire yet. But, if your closet is untidy then it is hardly worthy of receiving gorgeous elegant things.

Now that your bed is made, you can use your bed as a surface to refold any clothing that needs to be refolded so that by the time that you are finished your closet is neat enough to be worthy of the elegant you lady you are becoming. Any dirty clothing goes into the laundry hamper. Shoes packed away neatly, all of them.

If you need help on how to fold your clothes in a neat girly way, here is the article that I wrote that explains to you exactly how to do that.

By the time you are finished your room should already look and feel much much better.

3. Clear Away Any Clutter

An elegant young lady does not have her space cluttered. Desks, chairs, bedside tables should be free of clutter. Not only does it look far neater, but it is also far easier to keep clean.

So go around your already much cleaner room and do a de-clutter. In other words, if there is something on a desk, chair bedside table or anywhere that you can pack away to free up some more space, then do that.

Take a look around your tidy, decluttered room and feel how much more feminine it feels compared to the cluttered scruffiness that it was before.

Now that you have gotten this far, there are two more things that you can do to feminize your room that will not cost you a penny. Let’s get those done now, while you are on a roll.

4. Dusting

For this, you will need a dusting cloth and potentially a feather duster as well. Now that all the surfaces are decluttered it will be easy to dust them all. Remember to dust any lamps, light fittings, and picture frames as well.

If you have any wood furniture in your room and you have access to some spray furniture polish that has a soft, floral fragrance then use a little of that on your room’s furniture once you have dusted everything. That way your room will already start to smell feminine too.

5. Vacuum Or Sweep

If your room has a floor, that is to be swept, including under your bed. If your room is carpeted or has a rug on the floor that is to be vacuumed. If it is the case of a rug on the floor, don’t forget to sweep the floor under the rug too.

If you are vacuuming then use some floral fragrance pre-vacuum powder, scattered on the carpet or rug. That will give the room a lovely feminine fragrance. If you don’t have access to the pre-vacuum powder, then use a tiny bit of talc instead as that will also absorb some of the smells in the carpet.

If you are using talc, make sure that it is only a very little as bigger clumps of talc can leave marks on your carpet or rug.

Now that you have completed all the steps that you can do to feminize your room essentially for free, now we can look at what you can do next. We’ll start by looking at what you can do decor-wise for just a couple of dollars, working our way up.

Neat, tidy, and clean with a hint of pink in the throw cushions

6. Softer Lines

Now that you have completed the steps that you can do completely free to give your room a wonderfully feminine feel, let’s take a look at a couple of decor options that are super cheap to achieve.

Take a look around your wonderfully clean and fresh room. You will likely see many geometric shapes and strong lines. If you are able to soften or create a gentle curve to any of those lines, it will instantly alter the decor to more girly. Let me explain how.

When I was in college my dorm room was not only small but very angular with hard masculine lines. Rectangles everywhere: Bed, closet, desk, and even the chair.

I went down to the local fabric shop and found a fabric roll-end in a pattern of soft pastels. I draped that over the chair in my dorm room and immediately broke up the hard geometric shapes of the decor. The pastel shades of the fabric also gave the room a soft feminine feel.

I think I got change from $2, but it was many years ago. See what you can find to soften some of the hard angles in your room.

7. Throw Cushions

Throw cushions on the bed are an easy way to instantly femme a room. Get a variety. You will be able to find many at budget stores. Try and find some that are silky, some that are soft and cushy, and be sure to choose some in soft, pastel colors. If you can find a couple that incorporates some pastel pink, even the better.

The other thing about throw cushions is that it will break up the boyish geometric lines of your bed. Also, there is no reason to put your throw cushions out in the same arrangement every time you make your bed. That way you can give your girly creativity an outlet every day.

Something else that you can include with your throw cushions especially if you are a younger girl than I am is a cute, soft stuffed toy. That will really make your bed look more feminine.

College dorm room using fabric to create softer lines

8. Scented Candle Or Aroma Oil Burner

Now that your space is beautifully neat and tidy you can add a scented candle or an aroma oil burner onto your table/vanity. Personally I would choose a light floral fragrance rather than something heavy or overpowering.

9. Vase And Flowers

Like with most of the other steps in this article, this needn’t be expensive at all. You can find a vase in the dollar store, or even use a cute mug.

When I was in college I had a pastel pink mug that I loved. Unfortunately, the ear broke off the mug, so I repurposed it as a vase on my desk. As a student, I didn’t have the money to keep replacing fresh cut flowers so I bought a stunning little bouquet of plastic flowers to put in my pastel pink mug.

I then got an air freshener that would add a light floral fragrance to the room and used floral fragrant powder on my rug when I vacuumed.

Of course, every time I cleaned my room (at least once every week), I made sure to dust off my plastic flower arrangement.

10. Scatter Rug

Choose one large rug in a shade that goes well with your bedding. If you prefer, and if you have space, choose two matching rugs — one can be placed at the end of your bed, while the other can be placed under the chair of your vanity or desk.

11. Artwork

This can include cute, girly posters in soft pink or flower motifs. Another option is to get pictured of artwork on the internet, print them and frame them in nice girly frames.

12. Mirrors

You need a mirror to be able to check your outfit as well as to do your hair and makeup. If you are able to have a makeup mirror on your vanity, make sure that it has enough light to do your makeup properly.

A good makeup mirror with good lighting is especially important when you are either learning to do your own makeup or trying a new look and want to get it just perfect.

Before you say that you can’t do your makeup because you haven’t got good enough lighting or a big enough mirror to see what you are doing, check out YouTuber Molly Burke doing her makeup.

13. Lampshades

These last five steps on the list can become a little pricy for a girl on a budget, so if you are not able to do these don’t feel bad. By now your room will be feeling really feminine already. And, after all, it is how you feel in your room that is the most important.

This step involves finding some nice feminine lampshades to go over both the main light in your room and any lamps.

Keep an eye on second-hand stores and goodwill, especially if you are a student. You never know what delightful treasures you will find there. 

14. Bedding

Get the softest sheets for your bed that you can find. Pair those with a lovely warm comforter or a soft, fluffy, pretty blanket. With all of these, you will want to incorporate pastels or pinks if possible.

15. Curtains

If you are able to feminize your decor in pastels and pinks in your bedding and rugs, The next step will be to put up curtains that match your decor if you are able to.

16. Paint Walls

When I was young I always wanted my bedroom to be painted pink. There is something that I didn’t realize until I was much older is that many shades of pink don’t actually brighten the room when painted on the walls.

If this is a room you will be using for work or study you will want your walls to be painted in a light color so that you can have maximum light for the work that you will be doing.

So, if you are able to paint your room pink like is every girl’s dream, make sure that it is a very light pink to keep your room bright. You can offset the light pink walls with darker pastel pink curtains, rugs, and bedding.

17. Dresser or Vanity

Every girl needs a dresser or vanity to set out her beauty products and makeup. I would make sure to have a mirror with really good lighting to do my hair and makeup.

Just like I keep my room neat and tidy, I always keep my vanity neat and tidy too. If my vanity is untidy with beauty products and makeup all over the place it somehow makes me feel less elegant when I finish doing my hair and makeup.


I stay in shape by trail running. When I am not writing posts to help you be as feminine as you can be, I work as a therapist.

3 thoughts on “How To Feminize Your Room 17 Essential Tips

  1. My Mistress/wife decided that Leanna needed to experience the world on her own. We bought a home in a very nice retirement community for her. I have slowly feminized most of the house in very neutral tones and colors and in artwork. I usually have vases of flowers throughout the house and scented candles as well. The part of the house that I have gone total girly is my bedroom suite including my private bathroom. I repainted the walls in a soft pink. My purchased an entire bedroom set in oak that is very feminine in appearance including two night stands, a dresser with mirror and a vanity. My Mistress/wife teased me about the vanity. We bought a jewelry box for rings, earrings, bracelets. pendants and some necklaces . We also bought an earring rack to hang all my dangling earrings (I have many) and a rack to hang my many long costume necklaces. Needless to say my room screams girly. My walk in closet according to my Mistress/wife has more clothes and shoes than she does. I used pink plastic hangars to signify women’s wear and I use fancy hangars for more formal dress and gowns. My bathroom is very girly as I have switched all of my washes and soaps to womens. My wash basin counter is dominated by my large makeup collection and an oil aroma light is always filled with lavender fragance. All of this has made me feel so feminine it is wonderful

  2. My wife/mistress naturally has dominated the decor choices in our bedroom for years. I do have a dresser and the top of it as my own. Roughly at the time I started with the 40 steps, I decided to neaten it up. I added some softer touches. As you said, the femininity comes first. The scents from my special drawer are floral. Pink lip balm graces my night stand. I’m now doing even more with my space.

  3. As my partner is female our home is already feminine, we both work and naturally share the housework to get things done sooner. I think that keeping spaces tidy at home has lead to me keeping my desk in the office clean and tidy, so I am sure that once you get into the habit of keeping your space tidy does become s habit.

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