When it comes to shopping for a purse or handbag it can feel so confusing with so many shapes and styles around. What really helps is being able to work out the shape and style of handbag that best suits your needs. That way you can shop for those specific styles and make the whole experience less overwhelming.
The style of handbag you carry should be congruent with the activity you are doing. The length of the handbag strap determines where on your body the bag hangs so you can accentuate an area of your body, distract away from an area, or hide something. Your bag is an extension of your personal style.
Let’s look at each of the style factors of your potential new handbag and see what will work best for you.
How To Choose The Length Of Handbag Strap
Besides the practical aspect of carrying your essentials, your handbag is also an accessory that can be used to draw the eye to an area of your body that you want to flaunt or to draw the eye away from an area of your body you’d rather not emphasize.
It is the strap length that will determine how you carry the bag and where the bag hangs on your body. Peoples’ eyes will be drawn to your bag so your bag will determine where the emphasis is placed on your body.
The Benefits Of Short Strap Handbags
There are three ways you can carry a short strap handbag. One option is wearing your handbag with the strap over your shoulder and the bag tucked under your arm. The second option is to hook the strap over your arm and wear it in the crook of your bent elbow. The third is to hold the bag by the strap with your straight arm hanging by your side.
The first option of wearing your short strap over your shoulder, with your bag tucked under your arm won’t add any bulk to your hips. It also draws attention up and away from your hips.

The second option of hooking your short strap over your arm and wearing your bag in the crook of your elbow is an option if you have a larger tummy that you would like to hide behind your bag. Even though having a bag in front of your tummy will add bulk to that area, people will think that the bulk is only because of your bag and not your tummy behind your bag.
The Benefits Of Wearing An Over-The-Shoulder Bag
If you are the kind of girl who prefers to wear a bag over your shoulder, consider the length of strap you choose.
A slightly shorter strap will have your bag hanging just above your hips so that you can drape a forearm or wrist over the bag. This will draw attention to your waistline.
A longer strap will have the bag sit beside your hips. This will make your hips look wider and draw attention to your hips.
The Benefits Of Wearing A Cross-Body Bag
If you prefer to keep your hands free, then you can wear your bag across your body. You have the option of wearing your bag to the front, at your side, or behind. Each of these options will change the way you look.
Wearing your bag to the front can add a little bulk to your thigh, but not too much.
When you have your bag at your side it will add width to your hips.
Having your bag at the back will add volume to your butt. For me, it is a choice between widening my hips or adding to my butt.
One final factor about a cross-body bag is that the strap at the front will hang between your breasts, thereby emphasizing your bust-line.
In other words, think carefully about your body shape. What areas of your body would you prefer to highlight and draw attention to? Which areas of your body would you rather distract away from? Is there an area of your body that you’d like to add extra volume? Once you have answered these questions for yourself you will have a better idea of what strap length will work best for you.
Which Style Of Handbag Should You Choose
When it comes to choosing the style of bag that is best for you, take some time to think about what you need the bag for. Different styles of bags are designed for distinct purposes so choose the one that is made for the occasion or activity you are undertaking.
For instance, a backpack is a casual bag that will work when you are dressed casually in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt over the weekend or when out hiking. However, your backpack won’t be suitable when you are heading to the office on a workday. For that, I’d opt for a work tote. It looks neat and classy and it is big enough for my office essentials.
When you get to the end of your workday and are going out in the evening then your work tote won’t be appropriate anymore. A better idea will be to drop your work tote at home and replace it with a clutch for your evening out. Sometimes the circumstances are such that you have nowhere to stash your work tote and end up needing to take it with you.

What I have done on one or two occasions is have my clutch inside my work tote during the day when I know that I will be going out in the evening after work. When I get to my car in the office parking I’ll stash my work tote in the trunk of my car and grab my clutch before driving to my destination.
If your lifestyle is such that you have many different activities on any given day, then an everyday bag will be your ideal compromise instead of constantly changing from a shoulder bag, to a tote, to a clutch.
When you choose your everyday bag, it should ideally have some structure, but at the same time have a soft feel so it’s easy to use and carry to all of your activities throughout your day.
Matching Your Bag To How You Express Your Personality
Your personality is important and should reflect in the type of bag you carry.
In the same way that your outfit, shoes, and accessories are ways that you express outwardly who you are, the bag you choose is an extension of that same personal style.
Handbags come in a multitude of different colors, so there is no reason to choose one that will clash with your outfit. Likewise, it is important to choose a bag that you really love. After all, the more you love your bag, the more you will want to carry it as you go about your daily life.
I typically carry a midsize black or beige purse which is versatile and between the 2 colors work with every outfit.