How Dressing Up Can Be A Lifesaver: Christine’s Story

Welcome to the newest installment of the lifestyle series where Pink Femme readers share their experiences as a girl irrespective of whether they are just starting out or have progressed far along their transition journey.

Today we hear from Christine, whose journey to a femme lifestyle emerged from heartbreak and emotional pain. Her origin story is one that I’d never wish on anyone. Thank you to Christine for being brave enough to share her experiences.

What we can all learn is that no matter how dark our lives feel, there is potential for a brighter solution. As my mother told me when I was little, “shadows are proof that the sun is shining.”

Let’s give Christine all our Pink Femme love – we are all sisters on our path to being more whole on the inside even when it feels like we are struggling. Hugs

Hello. My name is Christine. This is my story.

I’m a late bloomer. My journey began during my marriage. My wife was having an affair and they were not shy about sending me photographic reminders of all the things they were doing, as well as their thoughts and feelings about me. As one would imagine, this took a significant toll on my physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. 

After receiving a video of my wife and her lover celebrating the sale of my wife’s wedding ring on our 15th anniversary,  I was at the absolute lowest point that I had ever been at in my entire life. 

On autopilot, I called my in-laws to watch our daughter for a few days. I had to get away from everything. Within 3 hours of the most devastating video, I’d ever seen I found myself in Las Vegas with the sole intention to drink myself numb.

I have fuzzy memories of how I met the couple I eventually found myself in their hotel room wearing the wife’s bra, panties, and ill-fitting high heels. I remember my initial reaction was shock and embarrassment. Then his wife’s soothing voice was in my ears telling me the most loving, caring, and encouraging words I had received from anyone in the last 2 years. I was also being touched by another person deliberately trying to make me feel desired and safe. I  surrendered to the occasion and at that moment I created Christine.

She was loved, respected, wanted, and cared for in ways I had never known. I spent the rest of my trip with the couple as Christine.

When I got back home I began to make the necessary changes to my life and continue to investigate this new part of me. I’m so glad I did.

Christine kept me from ignoring my physical well-being.  I maintained an elevated level of self-care I otherwise would not have. I discovered so many things about myself and buoyed my self-esteem and sense of value as a result.

The discovery of Christine saved my life and provided me the opportunity to be in control of my life during a period of time I felt the most powerless and lost.

It’s been a couple of years now and I’m spending most of my time as Christine.  Only when I am at the office for work am I in my male form. I’m now happily divorced and have been able to enjoy a peaceful, balanced life. I’m not sure if I will ever merge my halves into the whole of Christine and if I would desire to transition medically to solidify that choice. As I write this I am happy with the duality I have. It brings me happiness, balance, and a renewed love for myself and life.


I stay in shape by trail running. When I am not writing posts to help you be as feminine as you can be, I work as a therapist.

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