The color pink is a calming color and is associated with love, kindness, creativity, and femininity.
Color psychology suggests that the different colors we wear can have an impact on our moods, feelings, and even behaviors.
Many people immediately associate the color pink with everything feminine and girly. It might also bring to mind feelings of romance and holidays such as Valentine’s Day. Some shades of pale pink are described as softly relaxing, while very bright, vibrant shades can be stimulating or even passionate.
The Color Psychology of Pink
Pink is a light red hue and is typically associated with love and romance. It is often described as a feminine or girly color, perhaps due to associations, people form during early childhood. “Girls toys” are usually pink and purple as opposed to green or blue.
There are certain emotional qualities that are often thought of as more feminine, such as softness, kindness, nurturance, and compassion. Wearing pink often enhances these emotions
What Does The Color Pink Mean To Us?
It is important to remember that color associations are heavily affected by both our individual experiences as well as cultural influences.
People who are drawn to pink (or any specific color) tend to have pleasant memories of the color, while those who don’t like pink may have had negative or unpleasant experiences associated with it.
How does pink make you feel? Do you associate pink with certain qualities or situations? My girlfriends and I almost always experience a number of positive emotions whenever we wear pink. If you are new to wearing the color pink, see how many of these you feel when you make the change to incorporating pink in your life.
Pink Makes Me Feel Joyful
The color pink to me has a deeply joyful vibe to it. It is like being home. Just wearing it is like a familiar friendly place deep within my heart.
Pink Makes Me More Creative
Pink is a happy color that makes me feel creative. Back in high school and college I’d wear pink and surround myself with pink when I needed to be creative writing my research papers and essays.
These days it is my go-to color when I am working on these blog posts that you have been reading.
As you can imagine, I only use pink notebooks for my blog post ideas as well as for my feelings journal.
If you are looking for a notebook to use as your journal, here is this cute Pink Femme notebook on Amazon. I’ll be adding more notebooks soon.
Pink Is Both Feminine And Vibrant
Pink makes me feel more feminine as well as vibrant. It brings out a bit of feminine flirtiness. Wearing pink gives me a sense that I can accomplish what I need to that day.
Pink Can Be Somewhat Innocent And Childlike
Some people have a less positive view of pink. They view the color more as childish rather than childlike.
Because pink is a blend of red and white, and white is the color of innocence, paler shades of pink have an air of innocence about them.
Even though just about every toy, doll or dress a little sister has is a fairly pale pink does not make you childish for wearing those shades of pink.
Rather, it will bring out a childlike innocence in you and make you more open to try out new feminine things in your life
Pink Is A Refreshing Color
Pink makes me think of spring flowers when everything feels fresh and new.
To me, it is a really inspiring color. I hope that it will help inspire you to be the best girl you can be.
Pink Is Femininely Euphoric
One thing is for sure that different shades of pink can evoke different moods.
Red comes across as harsh and overly bold, while pink comes across as more gentle and feminine.
More muted pinks represent youth and innocence while loud forms of pink elude sexiness and boldness.
Pink evokes a range of responses. Your own individual response can be influenced by a range of personal and cultural factors.
Something To Remember
While people often respond to the color pink in similar ways, it is important to remember that the psychology behind any color can depend upon many different factors.
Past experiences, cultural influences, personal taste, and other factors can all impact how you as a person feels about a particular color, including the color pink.
The Color Pink Represents
- Unconditional love: Pink relates to both unconditional love and romantic love.
- Compassion: Empathy and understanding are the fuel for pink’s nurturing.
- Nurturing: Pink is both the giving and the receiving of love, understanding, and respect.
- Hope: Pink inspires the possibility of a positive outcome.
Effects Of The Color Pink
- Calming: Pink calms our emotional energies.
- Non-threatening: Pink lacks any aggression or anger, although the deeper pinks can be more assertive and confident.
- Affectionate: Pink offers warmth and tenderness to friends and family.
- Caring: Sensitivity and tender loving care relate to pink’s feminine and intuitive energies.
- Immature: Pink is the color of the sweet young girl, before life’s experiences take over.
Variations Of The Color Pink
- Blush: Similar to skin color, this very pale pink has sensual and sexual connotations. It is non-threatening but lacks passion and energy.
- Rose Pink: This is the pink of universal love and unity. It is mature, feminine, and intuitive.
- Salmon Pink: There is a touch of orange in salmon pink. It encourages the flirt and can be a sign of the timid lover, all talk, and no play.
- Orchid: This is an unusual lavender-pink and relates to the unconventional and the individual doing his or her own thing. It is the nonconformist.
- Fuchsia: A blend of deep pink and blue, fuchsia inspires confidence, assurance, and maturity, a more responsible and controlled nurturing and love.
- Hot Pink: Hot pink inspires a more passionate, playful, and sensual love. It exudes warmth and happiness and a love of life.
My Choices For Adding More Pink To Your Life
When many girls first think of ways to add a little pink to their daily lives immediately choose lipstick and nail polish and never look further.
In fact, there are many ways to bring pink into your life that are more subtle, especially if you are not yet ready to step out into the world in lipstick and nail polish.
These are my pink choices for you after looking through Amazon:
- During winter there is something about wearing a soft, chunky pink sweater like this one (available on Amazon) that feels gorgeously feminine.
- Likewise, a mohair scarf like this one (available on Amazon) is perfect under the collar of my jacket when I head out into the cold.
- Where we live everyone has a chair just inside the front door. That is where we put on and take off our outside shoes. We have separate house shoes (usually slippers) so that no outside dirt is walked into our houses and apartments. These gorgeous pink slippers (available on Amazon) are perfect for that.
- If you are sporty and heading out on a run you can always rock a beautiful pink cap (available on Amazon) to keep the sun from your eyes.
- Remembering the times that we live in, we all know the importance of wearing a mask. Here is a set of washable pink face masks (available on Amazon). If someone asks why you are wearing a pink mask you can always say they were on special if you feel shy about admitting you love pink.
- If you want to wear pink and be more subtle about it you can try this hand-woven Thai wristband (Available on Amazon).
- Another way to accessorize with pink in a subtle way is with a necklace that you can wear over or under your clothes. This Pink Brazilian Agate Gemstone Hexagonal Pointed Reiki Chakra Pendant Necklace (available on Amazon) feels empowering to me when I wear it.
- I like to protect my phone and it is so awesome that phone covers are available in pink like these silicone gel phone covers (available on Amazon).
- One of the steps in the 40-steps-to-Femme program involves a feelings journal where you will be required to write and bullet journal your femme emotions as a way to be better in touch with your inner self. What better way to do that than with a pink notebook made with recycled paper (available on Amazon).
- Are you ready to prove to the world and yourself that you are fully committed to being the best Pink Femme girl you can possibly be? If so, then you ought to be wearing a pink commitment ring like this one (available on Amazon) as a symbol of your dedication.
Another way that you can wear pink and be sure that nobody will ever judge you is to wear something that promotes breast cancer awareness. It is a great cause and needs awareness. This can take the form of the classic pink ribbon pin that is popular in October.
Alternatives that are appropriate all year round are the pink awareness silicone bracelet (available on Amazon) or an awareness face mask (available on Amazon).
What about pink panties?