Discussing The Inner Conflict of Gender Dysphoria

Today I have the privilege of bringing you a guest post that a dear friend of mine wrote. This is someone who has struggled with suppressed gender dysphoria for more than 3 decades. They are just at the start of their process of finally getting to know who they are on the inside. 

As they progress along their journey, I hope to bring you more guest posts as they feel comfortable sharing more.

They also write blog posts, and if you are into running and endurance sports, please go and give their blog some love. Either click this link to Trail Run Planet or search for it on your favorite browser.

Navigating My Inner Conflict of Gender Dysphoria

Gender dysphoria presents a profound inner struggle, a constant push and pull between what the heart yearns for and what the mind deems practical. For those of us who experience dysphoria, it’s far from a simple feeling of misalignment with our assigned gender at birth. Instead, it’s a deeply internal battle that fluctuates between emotional desires and logical considerations, often leaving us feeling torn. 

In this article, I’ll share my personal journey with dysphoria, the daily oscillation between wanting to fully express my true self and the obstacles that keep me from doing so. Through these insights, I hope to shed light on the intricate and unique emotional landscape many of us traverse.

The Complexity of Dysphoria: A Battle Between Heart and Mind

For me, gender dysphoria doesn’t follow a linear path; it’s an emotional experience that varies from day to day, even from moment to moment. It’s a constant negotiation between what I desire emotionally and what I know to be feasible in the context of my life. On some days, the pull of my heart is intense—I feel an overwhelming urge to fully embrace my feminine side, discard all my old clothing, and embrace a wardrobe that reflects who I truly am. In those moments, I envision living fully in alignment with my authentic self, without compromise or restriction.

But then, just as quickly, my mind steps in, reining in these intense feelings with practical reminders. I think about the financial implications, the limitations of my physical appearance, and the social and professional challenges of presenting as a different gender – not to mention the limitations of my relationships and family. The reality is, even if my heart wants nothing more than to live fully and openly, my mind tempers this desire with reminders of the many obstacles in my path. This tension creates a feeling of being stuck, unable to move fully in either direction.

When Dysphoria Sparks Action—And the Mind Holds Back

There are also days when I wake up with a strong mental resolve to take small, tangible steps toward aligning with my authentic gender. On these days, my mind is actively guiding me, suggesting manageable changes like wearing a feminine fragrance, applying nail polish, or using a specific lotion that helps me feel more connected to my identity. These small actions provide a sense of progress, of moving closer to where I want to be without taking drastic leaps.

Yet, even on these days, my heart sometimes holds me back. Fear/anxiety and hesitation arise, making me question how these small changes might be perceived. What will people think? Is this too much, too soon? Often, these internal worries become paralyzing, leading me to abandon these small actions entirely. The result is a cycle of indecision that can be just as frustrating as the grander swings of dysphoria itself.

The Pendulum Effect: Swinging from One Extreme to Another

Living with dysphoria often feels like being on a pendulum, swinging from one extreme to the other. One day, I’m ready to make drastic changes, feeling as though anything less would be a denial of my true self. The next, I’m holding back entirely, fearful of what those changes might bring. This emotional back-and-forth creates a sense of wasted time, of days slipping by without meaningful progress toward becoming the person I envision.

This cycle can feel exhausting, but it’s important to recognize it as part of my journey. I know I’m not alone in experiencing these dramatic shifts, and understanding that these swings are common among others dealing with gender dysphoria brings a certain level of comfort. Recognizing this pattern as a natural part of navigating dysphoria can help ease some of the self-blame and frustration that often come with it.

Finding Support and Moving Forward

The path through dysphoria is rarely one that can be navigated alone. Having a supportive network of friends has been crucial for me in learning to manage these internal conflicts. Supportive friends help by providing gentle encouragement and a non-judgmental space where I can share my struggles openly. 

Gender dysphoria is a journey, and it’s one that requires patience and compassion, not only from those around us but from ourselves as well. For anyone else navigating these waters, remember that you’re not alone. The pendulum may swing, and the journey may feel chaotic, but with support and a steady willingness to confront each shift as it comes, there’s hope for peace and self-acceptance at the other end.

I know that it is essential that I find a therapist that I can work with to give me the essential guidance, helping me to unpack these emotional swings and understand the deeper fears and needs behind them.


The struggle of gender dysphoria is deeply personal and often invisible to those who haven’t experienced it. But by understanding the pendulum effect—the constant inner conflict between heart and mind—we can take steps toward self-compassion and incremental progress. There’s no right or wrong way to move forward, but by embracing the support of friends, therapy, and the broader community, we can find our way. This journey may be long and complex, but it’s one that ultimately leads to a greater understanding of ourselves, our desires, and our strengths.

If you have something to contribute to the experiences of the swinging pendulum of dysphoria, you are welcome to add a comment below. All comments are moderated to ensure that we remain a wholesome and supportive space.

About The Author

Edu is a coach and blogger in the endurance sports niche. If you enjoyed this article, please go and show their website Trail Run Planet some love.

If you are looking for more lifestyle-related posts here on Pink Femme, you can find them all here.

Keep up to date with all my latest femme news with the fabulous Pink Femme Newsletter. Each Monday you’ll receive an email from me that will include a chapter from the novel that I am currently writing. I will also alert you to interesting information from articles that have not yet been published on Pink Femme. The Pink Femme Newsletter is the only place to see chapters from the novels before they are published. Sign up today: PINK FEMME NEWSLETTER.


I stay in shape by trail running. When I am not writing posts to help you be as feminine as you can be, I work as a therapist.

One thought on “Discussing The Inner Conflict of Gender Dysphoria

  1. It is possible it is not dysphoria and that you are in fact an empath that picks up on the feminine spectrum of energy readily.

    I can empathise with women who have feelings for me to the point I want to paint my nails like them and wear heels but I am at core rather masculine.

    Give it some consideration. It explains the pendulum swing.

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