I am sure that you and I are alike in that we try and avoid painful beauty treatments. However, one exception that I make is my Brazilian wax session. Key things to know before getting a Brazilian...
Category: Beauty
The process of choosing the perfume that best matches your personality can seem like an intimidating prospect. It is not a process that should be rushed. It can take time to find the fragrance that...
I am sure that by now you have come to realize that eyeliner is a vitally important makeup tool. It is an eyeliner that is able to enhance your eye makeup in a matter of seconds. However, if you have...
There are so many fabulous ways that you can play with makeup. Eyeliner pencil can be used on your lips and lipstick can be used as blush. In a similar way, powder foundation is another makeup...
Putting on perfume after my morning shower is a ritual that connects me to my inner feminine energy. I cannot imagine a day that does not include the fragrance of my perfume. Every girl should...
Liquid lipstick has many features that you and I love. You can get them in some intense pigment shades and they tend to have much greater staying power. However thanks to three simple hacks you can...