You are special. It takes courage to live a girly life. And, connecting your girliness to a healthy lifestyle makes your transformation more worthwhile. When you switch to a healthier lifestyle it...
Posts by Edith
I like being girly and enjoy connecting with people who see the world through the same type of pink filter as I do. I like girly boys too – you make the world a better place. As Pink Femme...
It can all feel really confusing when you sit at your makeup vanity faced with an array of makeup brushes and blenders. Which tools and techniques work best on which area of your face? There have...
Many girls have asked me for advice on how to shed a few pounds. With the preference on shedding a few pounds in as girly a way as possible. My answer is simple: Stay hydrated and cut as much...
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA If you had to sit down and have a conversation about why dressing girly is the way you want to dress. One obvious reason is that girly clothing is softer and more...
When it comes to living our girly lives we all respond positively to words of support and encouragement. Yet, occasionally we will hear some throwaway remark that cuts deep and has us doubting our...