All About Dafni Girls – Makeover Studio

Welcome back to the Pink Femme series where we tell you about specific MtF/femme makeover studios all over the world. Today we introduce you to Dafni Girls which has studios in Madrid and Valencia, Spain.

Each studio that makes it onto our list has been recommended by a fellow Pink Femme girl who had a wonderful experience.

As we expand the list of makeover studios, we will try and include as many different cities and destinations as possible. That way if you feel you can’t be out as fully-femme where you live, you can plan a vacation to a destination that has a makeover studio so that you can make your girly dream come true.

If you have had a fabulous experience at a makeover studio, tell me about it so that I can give the studio the recognition it deserves.

Pink Femme: Hi Dafni, Thank you so much for agreeing to this interview on Pink Femme. Let’s start by telling us a little bit about yourself and what you do at Dafni Girls.

Dafni Girls: I am Dafni Cocó, I was born in Barcelona in 1985. I dedicated my studies to everything related to image and beauty. Passionate about fashion and art, about what is different and authentic.

Dafni’s Angels – The makeover team is ready to transform you.

I consider myself a motivating and enterprising person, full of challenges, appreciating the pleasures and joy that life gives us.

Pink Femme: Tell us about Dafni Girls and what inspired you to open Dafni Girls as well as what was it that led you to begin working with the trans community.

Dafni Girls: One sweet spring of 2011, in Barcelona, I met my first crossdresser girl. I was a makeup artist and hairstylist back then and she wanted to hire my services.

A beautiful friendship was born and she introduced me to this lifestyle, which was totally unknown to me. I also met her crossdresser and transgender friends and that’s where it all started.

Many people from this world began to contact me for their feminizations and, finally, it was in 2015 when I decided to move and create my first salon in Madrid since it was in the heart and the capital of the country and I could reach more people.

Before and after Dafni’s magic.

Together with my clients we created the name of what would be my company and would create a lifestyle for many people: “Dafni Girls”, that’s what they called themselves when they transformed into women.

Years later, in 2019, I created the second salon in Valencia, another beautiful city with the sea, a holiday spot for many people.

I believe that the Dafni Girls studios are not only places in Spain dedicated to feminization but also, today, they have become a meeting point, a beginning towards femininity and a lifestyle mixed with glamour and fun.

I’d like to say that it has to be my destiny and I was chosen to create beauty in this community because I simply followed the message of life and let myself go.

Pink Femme: What kind of services do you offer in your studio? 

Dafni Girls: Today the Dafni Girls team offers services, from basic to professional, for complete feminization: photoshoots, advice, or accompaniment to go out and enjoy. We also offer trips around the world offering these experiences, group activities, events, etc… An unlimited world of possibilities!

A special word directly from Dafni Coco.

Pink Femme: How has your experience been so far since you started working with the cross-dressing and trans community?

Dafni Girls: My experience in this community has always been very enriching. I learn every day how to be a better person and I’m trying to do my best to make each one of them leave their fears aside and come to dream to enjoy its essence.

Pink Femme: What is the best part about working with the cross-dressing and trans community?

Dafni Girls: The best part of working in this world is normalizing this lifestyle, giving hope that it is possible to live your feminine part, without prejudice. That fills my soul.

Experience stepping out into the world dressed up – with photo memories to take home.

Pink Femme: Have you faced any challenges or negativity since you started serving the crossdressing and trans community?

Dafni Girls: The biggest challenge I have faced is working with people’s insecurity. Don’t be afraid to free yourself and express what you feel. Also, a lot of times this insecurity and fear make them not attend their sessions at the last moment, or, after having long conversations, that person does not dare to come.

North American ladies also became Dafni Girls at the Mexico City dinner party.

Pink Femme: What is the most popular service requested by crossdressers and trans girls?

Dafni Girls: The most requested service is the longest: the “Perfect Day”, in which we go out to enjoy femininity outside and inside the studio. This is an experience that I recommend to try if you come to visit us!

Pink Femme: What advice can you give to crossdressers and trans girls who have never used a makeover service and are feeling too shy to try?

Dafni Girls: For those who have never tried a Dafni Girls service but feel the illusion of doing it, I would tell them that the most beautiful thing in life is sharing with other people, enjoying femininity with a team of girls who understand you, and who don’t judge you. It is wonderful! Life belongs to the brave: Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Pink Femme: What is the most common style/beauty mistake that you see crossdressers making in your opinion?

Dafni Girls: The most characteristic mistake in crossdressing is exaggeration. We want to be and look so feminine that many times it is too much and we can fall into vulgarity.

Pink Femme: What is the current perception of crossdressers and transgender people in the city where your studio is based?

Dafni Girls: Spain is one of the safest places in the world, so it is very easy to experience crossdressing. People are very friendly and the experience of going out is amazing at any time, day or night.

Experience stepping out into the world dressed up – with photo memories to take home.

Pink Femme: Based on your experience in your studio, doing dozens of makeovers, what is your number one beauty tip for both crossdressers and trans girls?

Dafni Girls: The biggest beauty tip I can give is: less is more! You can find beauty and elegance often in the small details.

Pink Femme: If you could go back to the first day that you started your studio, what advice would you give yourself on that first day based on what you have learned from working with crossdressers and trans girls?

Dafni Girls: If I can come back to my first day, already knowing the experience lived in the community, I would tell myself to enjoy each person, each moment, and each lesson, because the most important thing is: to enjoy the journey.

Pink Femme: Lastly, what do you think about Pink Femme and is there any final last thing you would like to say to our readers – some of whom are only just starting their journey into a femme lifestyle?

Dafni Girls: Thanks to PinkFemme for their visibility and normalization of the collective. Platforms like this do a greater service for the community because together we are creating a better world, promoting love and loving our essence. Thank you so much for making me part of it.

Outfits and shoes ready for new Dafni Girls at the discreet Madrid studio.

Pink Femme: Thank you so much for your time and we wish you every success for the future of both your studios. Can you please share with our readers how they can contact you for a makeover session?

Dafni Girls: You can find us at Or write to to book or to have more info.


I stay in shape by trail running. When I am not writing posts to help you be as feminine as you can be, I work as a therapist.

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