Pink Femme is an online publication about the subtle art of being feminine. Pink Femme has been built out and expanded from the 40 Steps To Femme program to include everything that you need to know to become as femme as you can. You can also find us on Pinterest, Twitter, and the Pink Femme Sisters on Patreon.

Our Story
We registered the domain name PinkFemme in 2019. During May 2019 we published the first dozen posts and left them to incubate while things got really busy in the therapy practice.
The idea behind Pink Femme is to guide girls along the path to becoming as femme as they can be. After seeing the kind of content available it was clear that much more supportive and motivating content was needed. That was backed up by my therapy patients who bemoaned the lack of quality, helpful content on how to be more femme.
Over the course of a weekend, I took a notebook and put together a rough list of the kind of topics I wanted to cover. By the time I was done I had a list of over 80 articles, but it felt disjointed and lacking a way to tie such a wide variety of topics together.
The following week I met with my trail running coach to discuss my ambition of going from a 10k and half-marathon runner to doing 50-mile mountain ultras. I mentioned my challenge of blending together such vastly different content for Pink Femme. My coach suggested layering the content in the same way as he would for a training plan for a marathon.
I revisited my planned content with that exact concept in mind and with a little research, the idea of the 40 steps was born.
Although the 40-steps program is the foundation for the first phase of Pink Femme content, it is by far not the only content. That original list of 80 articles had already grown to a list of 400 articles by the time the first 30 were published.
So if you arrived here at Pink Femme for the 40 steps, take a little time to explore some of the other articles that are not directly linked to the 40 steps. That is because all of those are also full of information that will help you to be more femme.
Consider joining our family and becoming a Pink Femme Sister (on Patreon) where you have a voice in choosing the content to be written on this site. Every penny from Pink Femme Sisters will be spent on creating content that will be made available for free on Pink Femme. I would love to be able to hire trans girls as freelance writers – girls who have faced the same challenges that you are struggling with.
You will have seen that Pink Femme has adverts running on the site. That is what keeps all of the content 100% free for you. A portion of the profits will be donated to The Trevor Project and the balance will be used to pay writers to bring you even more informative articles to read.
While other sites use humiliation and degradation as motivators, we believe that kindness and support are more helpful for you. Take our hand and join us on the path that leads to a new and more feminine you.