When it comes to shopping for a purse or handbag it can feel so confusing with so many shapes and styles around. What really helps is being able to work out the shape and style of handbag that best...
One of the most common things I hear from girls in the closet is that they cannot live their girliness because they will never be able to find a partner.
I’m not saying that finding a partner is...
There is no one single way to be girly. Being girly is a spectrum and it is for you to discover where on the scale of fabulously femme is right for you.
Don’t be alarmed if the way you express...
In this post, Candace contemplates a question that many girls would want to be true for them. She is lucky to have a spouse that is mostly supportive of her girliness.
I am not saying that being...
Being girly on the inside is the best feeling in the world. I am not saying that being girly will always be easy. There will be challenges and setbacks.
Whatever the challenges you are facing,...
Welcome to step 30 of your 40-steps to femme program. This is the step that will take you to be 75% of the way through the program. The changes from one step to another have been very subtle....