When I was younger I used to shave my body hair. These days I book a session at my local salon to have my body hair waxed. Even though I do use waxing as my preferred hair removal method I still shave from time to time if I can’t get to the salon. For instance, there could be a time when salons all get locked down for a year and there is no way that I would cope with letting my body hair grow for a year. Smooth skin is part of what makes me feel girly.
Before we get into the 16 runway model tips let’s first look at the most commonly asked questions about shaving body hair.
How Can I Start Shaving My Body Hair?
If you have never shaved body hair before or haven’t shaved for a really long time then you should start by trimming the hair in the area you wish to shave.
Long hair will get caught in your razor, clogging the blades and rendering it useless.
When Is The Best Time To Start Shaving My Body Hair?
The best time to shave your body hair is either just after having a shower or right at the end of your shower. The warm water will help to open pores and soften your skin, ready for shaving.
Being in or near the shower means that you will be able to get back under the spray after your shower and rinse off any shaving gel residue and shaved hairs that stuck to your skin.
Depending on the area of my body I normally start to see hair growing back after a week, or sometimes longer. Your hair might grow faster than mine and you will see hair growth sooner. What I have noticed is that my hair grows back slower as I have gotten older.
What Are The Benefits Of Shaving Body Hair?
Shaved body hair has massive benefits for sporty people. This is both from the perspective of streamlining your body and making sports massage more effective.
That is why I often suggest to people that are new to a girly lifestyle that they take up swimming and/or cycling. In both of these sports having shaved body hair is a normal thing to do. That often is what makes it possible for new girls to justify to themselves and their families why they are starting to shave body hair.
For me, the biggest benefit of having shaved body hair is that it makes me feel girly and I love the feeling of soft fabrics against my shaved skin.

The 16 Runway Model Tips
1. Exfoliate Before Shaving
For the best body hair shaving results, make sure you exfoliate your skin before starting the shaving process. Exfoliating removes dead skin cells from the surface of your skin, resulting in smooth skin after you shave.
Dead skin cells can clog your razor blades really quickly. The first time I shaved I didn’t know about exfoliating before shaving. I went through an entire pack of disposable razors and I barely managed to get my legs shaved, let alone anywhere else.
After my mother taught me about exfoliating the amount of money I spent on razor blades reduced by more than 90%.
Use a body scrub or a loofah to exfoliate your skin once it is wet.
2. Dry Brush Your Skin Twice Per Week To Combat Ingrown Hairs
In order to always get a perfect shave, you need to prevent ingrown hairs from happening. By regularly dry brushing your skin, ideally twice a week but only once a week is ok, you can prevent ingrown hairs from happening.
An ingrown hair will cause an inflamed bump and the next time you shave you will likely shave the whole top of that bump off which will be painful and bloody.
Keep ingrown hairs away and have smoother skin after the next time you shave your body hair.
3. Choose A Good Razor With A Moisture Strip
Your choice of razor is very important. I always go for a high-quality razor that includes a moisture strip.
4. Razor Blades Are Disposable – Replace Regularly
Razor blades are meant to be disposable. Make sure to replace your razor blades when they become dull. This is usually between 5 and 10 uses but some blades can feel dull (pulling on your hair) after as little as 3 uses.
Something else that I do is that I never use the same blade “down there” as I do on the rest of my body because I am sensitive about getting an infection down there. So when my body hair shaving blade gets dull, I replace it with my “down there” blade and then take a brand new blade to become the new “down there” blade.
5. Never Ever Dry Shave
Dry shaving is a disaster waiting to happen. Never dry shave or you’ll almost certainly pick up a skin irritation or razor burn. Wet hair shaves more easily and a razor slides over wet skin without grabbing onto it.
Shaving gel or shaving cream keeps your skin and hair damp during the shaving process.
6. Hair Conditioner Is An Alternative To Shaving Cream
In a pinch, your hair conditioner is a viable alternative to using shaving cream if you have run out.
Rather don’t use soap as it doesn’t have the moisturizing qualities that your skin needs.
7. During Or After A Shower Is The Best Time To Shave Body Hair
To get the best results from your shave you want both your body hair and your skin to be wet. Hence the best time to shave your body hair is while you are taking a shower or immediately after.
Warm water actually helps weaken the hair strands, resulting in an easier shaving process.
8. You Get The Closest Shave Against The Grain But Risk Ingrown Hairs
If your goal is to get the closest possible shave then shave against the hair growth direction. However, by doing this you do risk ingrown hairs.
When I shave my legs I never get ingrown hairs on my lower legs, so I’ve never had any problem there when shaving against the hair growth direction. However, my inner thighs and upper thighs near my hip bones tend to be prone to ingrown hairs so I take extra care in those areas.
9. Shave Multiple Directions When Shaving Underarms
Always shave in multiple directions when doing your underarms. Your underarm hair grows in different directions and you will always be left with patches of unshaved hair if you only shave in one direction.
I wrote a whole article on Pink Femme about shaving your underarm hair and you can find that by clicking here.
10. Apply Gentle Pressure When Using A New Blade
As your existing razor blade gets duller you will normally begin applying more and more pressure to try and get the same close shave. However, when you switch over to a new razor blade, always be really careful and use even strokes applying gentle pressure on your skin. This will help you to avoid any nicks or cuts while shaving your body hair.
11. Shaving Before Bed Lets Your Skin Heal Overnight
If you are prone to getting any skin irritations or mild razor burn then consider shaving before bed. That way it will give your skin time to heal while you are sleeping
Irritated skin is more vulnerable to the outer environment.
12. Never Shave Over Skin Irritations Or Open Wounds
Although it might seem very obvious, we all need reminding from time to time. If you have any allergies, rashes, or unhealed wounds, then resist the temptation to shave your body hair until your skin has healed.
13. Moisturize Your Skin After Shaving
Always moisturize your skin once you have finished shaving and have patted your skin dry with a soft towel. Use an alcohol-free moisturizer as alcohol tends to dry out the skin – especially the slightly deeper layer of skin that is exposed after you’ve shaved.
As an alternative, you can also use coconut oil or Shea butter as an after-shave balm. The Mediterranean secret that our mothers taught us was to use olive oil to moisturize our skin and it works wonderfully after shaving body hair.
14. Avoid Shaving The Same Spot Repeatedly
If at all possible, avoid shaving over the same area multiple times. That way, you can avoid skin irritation and redness. If you find that you start needing to shave areas repeatedly to get them smooth then it may be time to replace your razor blade.
15. Use A Different Razor For Your Bikini Area
If you do choose to shave your pubic hair, make sure to assign a different razor to that task. Remember to trim your pubic hair with scissors prior to shaving.
What I do is assign a specific new blade for shaving my bikini area. When my general body hair blade gets dull, then my bikini blade becomes the body hair blade and I take out a new blade for my bikini area.
16. Store Your Razor In A Dry Place To Prevent Rust
After you have finished shaving your body hair, rinse your blade thoroughly and make sure to dry your razor very well. Cover the razor and store it in a dry place for your next use.
If you store your razor in the shower or next to the bath, the blades will rust. Besides getting dull really quickly, cutting yourself while shaving with a rusty blade can easily land you in hospital.
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